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Regarding demand in cities Messages in this topic - RSS

Posts: 390

Posts: 390
One problem with the growth / crash cycle in cities is the way it affects population overall - the way it works is that unless a product is being supplied a city continues to grow but the following happens:

At 1 million population (where cities start) demand for basic products becomes normal
At 2 million population demand for components becomes normal
at 3 million population demand for end products becomes normal
at 5 million population demand for services becomes normal.

That's when population is rising. But when population is decreasing there are no effects on demand - it just keeps crashing down.

There is a broad suggestion and a specific suggestion.

Broad suggestion - as population drops - demand itself should somehow drop, either absolute demand or the rate at which demand is generated.

Specific suggestion - two options:

Either demand drops down again based on population - i.e. once a city drops below 5 million demand for services is generated at 10% only (this does not seem to be the case now) or

When population drops below certain thresholds or as population drops demand ALSO drops for the most in demand products and services. The thresholds and/or mechanisms for this could be fleshed out but it is simply a way to prevent populations from fluctuating too wildly. Soon earth will be a very strange place indeed as it becomes impossible to keep up with demand. (Even with geoboosters active populations are crashing - and I am not talking about large populations here but really small cities are crashing inexorably)
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Posts: 64

Posts: 64
I would like the demand system in general to be more 2 sided: currently it only increases on it's own in (what seems like) a linear progression. That's not how real world demand works.
What I'd like to see is a 2-force system: demand for each product increases by, say, 1 percentage point each turn, but then also falls by. for example, 0.1% if it's current value. (Demand is, of course tracked as a float in this scenario) that way demand rises much faster when it's low and slower when it's high. Indeed a city where demand is below 15% requires a near-constant stream of supplies to keep there, whereas one with demand> 800% will almost never get any more demand.
This will also resolve the proposed problem, as the severely decreased growth of demand for higher-tier goods will drive demand down on it's own, even if the city doesn't get supplied by players.
+1 link
Posts: 28

Posts: 28
Fully agreed, no need to go crazy. A change to having demand increase with decreasing price however is necessary, right now the income of a city goes down if you supply it with cheaper products. At least let us make the same money for delivering more goods when prices go down. (Set max amount of money spend per category, calculate volume by dividing that amount by price%)
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