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A few requests Messages in this topic - RSS

Posts: 7

Posts: 7
Having played the game for just over a week, here are a few suggestions....

On the "Move to Location" order, is there any chance of putting the time required in turns once you've added a destination. My freighter sets off for Saturn and I can't be bothered to log how long it takes. I haven't gone that in depth. All I know is it gets there. Giving a time would help me and others work out how much benefit would be gained from upgrading movement.

Any chance of recording how much a transport/freighter sells each turn under the display logs....perhaps include a locations volume and price too. This would help having to search out under accounting.

Finally, when building a ship, how about including ALL data about it. Surely if I'm building it I should know the HP's, Cargo etc.

One last suggestion that is probably more controversial......when a location buys, how about it buys 1500 units from everybody first before going to the %age formula currently used. This would help newbies without really hindering experienced players e.g. Lets suppose a location will buy 100k units and Player A turns up with 198500 and Player B has 1500. At present Player B will sell very little. Under my suggestion he will sell everything whilst Player A will barely notice a drop.

As I said, I'm fairly new and perhaps some of these things are available, I just haven't found them.
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