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Perhaps its time to tweak Geo Boosters Messages in this topic - RSS

Doctor Dread
Doctor Dread
Posts: 1478

Doctor Dread
Doctor Dread
Posts: 1478
I'm thinking we need to tweak geo boosters. The standard exploit seems to be letting the demand go into the roof but counteracting the population decline with Geo boosters. Geo boostes are adding directly to the population without any consideration of the demand. Instead It might have to change it to,multiplying the existing population growth and add that instead. Or something like, it adds to the current growth percentage, which is based on demand rates, so if that's in the toilet, say -0.08% a turn the geo booster lifts it by 0.10 to bring it to 0.02 and barely gets is positive. The break even point for a geo booster to make 0 population growth could be at about 300 demand but it would stack with a planetary one so the population will break even even when at 400 demand, plus a solar one so 500 demand. but you wouldn't be able to throw a geo booster at 800 demand planet and get a positive growth like you do now.

Boosting the population with that kind of math mechanic breaks the game. Its very "cheap" to make a few artifacts to boost an entire 25 city planet into the stratosphere while everyone is selling at 1k demand. It should REALLY be it ONLY works on existing Positive growth, which means you would have to get the demand under 200 for anything to work
edited by DrDread on 8/16/2017
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