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GNN: Echos Echo Resigns as EDF Leader

Echos Echo made his resignation speech from the Imperial Palace in Paris following his disagreements with AristocraTech.

PARIS: Echos Echo has resigned as leader of the EDF following his proclamation that Thrawn Industries is exiled from Earth.

The former EDF chief stepped down after disagreement with Emperor AristocraTech concerning the exile of Thrawn from Earth. AristocraTech, during a public statement, said “Thrawns actions in this case were not against Earth therefore he is not exiled from Earth for them. In previous cases where corporations have been exiled for actions outside Earth, they accepted exile rather than the alternative.”

Echos Echo criticized the Emperor for lack of action and being unable to adequately protect the people of Earth, and offered his resignation shortly after. Ironically, the EDF force was previously under the leadership of Thrawn Industries prior to Echos Echo’s time in command. EDF responsibilities have now fallen to the emperor until a new appointment has been made.

The incident came after Thrawn Industries had launched a string of attacks against Epoch members, destroying research facilities and damaging numerous other assets. Some corporations have gone so far as to call these terrorist attacks, although others have labeled these actions as both piracy and war. Thrawn responded to the label by saying “if I am a terrorist, then so is Nynoxaff for attacking Earths Emperor. So would be Echo, for attacking AIX in the last battle because he didn’t plan properly.”

Though the full motivations for the attacks are not completely known, all indications point to retaliation for the strike that was made against the Starport over Earth by Nynoxaff. Thrawn appears to have had a private conversation with Nynoxaff about the reasoning behind the attacks.

It appears Thrawn had other motivations in the attacks as well, including his belief that large corporations should not be overcrowding Artifact locations. It must be noted that the corporations owning a large amount of research locations belong to The Ark Group, of which Thrawn was a former member.
edited by NewsNetwork on 1/4/2018
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Posts: 87

Posts: 87
U.C.O.R. Announces First Ever Galactic Lottery

Following the incorporation of the United Corps of Rigil, also known as UCOR, the corporation group has announced the first ever galactic lottery to celebrate their new organization.

The lottery currently offers 50 tickets for sale, and are priced at 12.5 million each. Artifact prizes will be awarded sometime next week during a live drawing on the Discord communications channel.

UCOR, the host and sponsor of the event, was founded this previous week as a democratic group of corporations who focus on the growth and safety of the Rigil system. They hold strongly to equality among members and maintain a strong commitment to a democratic process. UCOR currently has no restrictions on guild affiliations, meaning any members who seek to join may retain their previous guild membership.

"Our goal is to create an environment that is both welcoming and safe for corporations to come and do business," stated Davix Aedard, CEO of StarCorp. "We have created a strong, sustainable market that now provides an incredible opportunity for more corporations to come establish themselves." StarCorp was the first corporation to resettle Rigil after having been nearly abandoned for a long period of time.

Rigil I appears ready to add a 4th city, which UCOR hopes will attract other corporations to the system. UCOR would provide new corporations with 2 different end product categories to specialize in, allowing them to sell their products in all 4 cities on the planet.

The lottery appears to be designed to publicize and draw attention to the creation of UCOR and the opportunities in the Rigil system. At this time only a limit number of tickets are available, and Hunter, the administrator of the lottery, has not said if more tickets will be coming available if all 50 are sold out.
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Posts: 87

Posts: 87
Galactic Council Convenes to Determine Rules of Engagement

MEXICO CITY: The greatest and most influential members of the galaxy have convened in an undisclosed location to hold a summit to establish the Galactic Rules of Engagement treaty. The summit, established and organized by Emperor Genecho of Rigil I, has been called to address the conflicting views on how military conflicts should be handled between corporations.

The discussions have become a focus of the leading members of the galaxy in response to the public declarations made by the Peoples Galaxy, a now-defunct terrorist group. The terrorist group claimed its action was based on the desire for a more aggressive gameplay – an aim that has often been hampered by a corporations’ ability to easily identify and destroy valuable assets of their opponents in response to any aggressive action made against them. This has often resulted in swift and powerful retaliations, or strong sanctions and penalties imposed on the aggressor.

When asked to comment on the state of the summit, Genecho appeared cautiously optimistic: “The talks are progressing slowly, as this is a very complicated matter to deal with, but despite the pace I feel things are moving in the right direction, but I do not see an end to talks for some time.”

The summit is working to establish a system where combat is allowed based on locations. The current draft appears to allow unrestricted combat in locations without a governing charter. Combat within chartered locations would fall under a set of limited combat rules. Earth and the moon are to be considered non-combat areas. Violating these rules would allow corporations to bring harsh retaliation and penalties upon the offending corp.

The specifics of the Rules of Engagement are still being discussed, and there does not appear to be consensus among all members on the current state of the rules. Orion the Hunter, CEO of Orion Industries, stated “the RoE is supposed to encourage more combat by taking away the fear of extreme reprisals. So far we have not met that goal in my opinion.” It appears Emperor Karmic Koala of Kosmere Unlimited shares similar concerns.

Emperor Cayleb Ahrmahk of Safehold Corp holds a more positive view of the impact of the summit. “The GROE will assist players in knowing what actions are sanctioned and what are prohibited. I have renewed hope in the establishment of new corporations throughout the galaxy as citizens realize their full potential and fill the many diverse needs of the galaxy.”

Other solutions to the issue exist as well, such as the system Sir J of Sore Cogs Galactical has suggested. Under his proposed system rulers would define and allocate various zones or systems each with its own style of play. In this system, those who prefer different styles of play can find the system or area that suites them, and play within that environment. It appears this proposal has not found the backing of the other members in the summit.
edited by NewsNetwork on 2/21/2018
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