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Optimizing the Demand.Industry screens Messages in this topic - RSS

Doctor Dread
Doctor Dread
Posts: 1478

Doctor Dread
Doctor Dread
Posts: 1478
I made some changes to the demand and industry screen in an attempt to optimize them. They run pretty slow and when trying to look at an entire planet like Earth it actually times out. I changed the way the Industry logs over time and now it is almost instantaneous, but the grid has reset and will take 500 turns to fill up again. The Demand screen also is a little faster but its still takes several seconds to load a large planet. I'm looking for a better way to store them so it will be almost instantaneous also.

The Industry screen used to show every building product and item of all the corps,this was a horrible drag on larger cities and planets so now it it showing the same thing aggregated with less detail. The demand screen isn't showing the specific products the corps are selling just the totals for Buy and Sell. As you drill down int he categories they filter like they should.
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