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Planet Defense Messages in this topic - RSS

Posts: 60

Posts: 60
I'd like to see more options for defending an entire planet.
The problem I see is you have to split up your forces. Either bacause you want to defend multiple cities, or you want to guard an orbital structure + a city/location. An attacker will obviously start attacking your weak spots and not attack where you are strongest (if you are even military wise).

A starbase for example could give me a great bonus for my city defenses, but if I were on the attacking side, I'd destroy the starbase first. If I as a defender send half of my forces the guard the starbase, I nullify the whole 100% bonus from lvl 10 starbase, because each location would fight with half the forces with double fighting power.
  • make orbital structures indestructable until only so many ships/troops are left on the planet of the owning player
  • let me guard a radius around the current position, so if I guard at the center of a planet and set radius to 10 I could defend everything from 2:2 to 22:22. It could also be done in a way that the units had to move there first and could only help one turn or so later. (This is of cause exploitable by sending a scout to lure the defender away, which is a problem that had to be solved.)
  • it might also be beneficial to let orbital structures interact with each other. Orbitalguns could defend other o guns or starbases and would get the bonus from the starbases. That would make the problem a little smaller in my opinion.

I know the starbase also lets you build ships at double the speed, but thats not a big enough advantage in my opinion (it not even scales when upgrading the base as far as I noticed, so level 1 is all you need for that purpose).

I'd like to hear your opinions and suggestions on that matter.
edited by nynobernie on 10/19/2017
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