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Production/Usage charts Messages in this topic - RSS

Posts: 12

Posts: 12
Hi Seren,

I´m currently sitting here with my note book in front of me, looking at all my production, there output, my useage of raw mats and components im using to build either components, end products etc. And its all out of date, been written oven so many times, and I have upgraded some things, down graded others, put some on hold because of over production, i need to start again. I know I could create a spreadsheet to input all this info that would be easy to update but, its been almost 20 years since i last created a spreadsheet. Can this not be added to the game? I don´t think (for someone with the skills i don´t have) it would be too difficult. I see it as a rather basic element of this type of game to be able to track what you build and what you need. I like to build from raw mats to end products but that will not last for ever with logistics, but a simple table/chart. You are producing this much of a resource, using this much of it, leaving you X amount to sell on. Or you need this much of X per turn, there is 0 production, or -50 production per turn. That you can see what you need to increase production of of buy the good in.

Example: Basic Chemicals; Production; 460, Usage; 475 Excess; -12

Exotic Metals; Production; 330, Usage; 133 Excess; 97

This would be a great help, and a huge time saver that really is not much fun doing manually.
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Doctor Dread
Doctor Dread
Posts: 1478

Doctor Dread
Doctor Dread
Posts: 1478
Are you using the "Structures" mode from assets page, on the left side under the search box (click structures as pposed to Overview)? It shows all your structures and aggregates the components needed and whats sitting there, There is a mode for Military and Products also.
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Posts: 12

Posts: 12
Yes, it shows me what i need per turn and how much i have in stock. but i still need to do the math and check though it all to see clearly production per turn compared to usage. Can you just now add the the chart on the right production per turn as well, so it shows need, production and current stock levels? That would make things much easier.
edited by Genecho on 10/30/2017
edited by Genecho on 10/30/2017
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Doctor Dread
Doctor Dread
Posts: 1478

Doctor Dread
Doctor Dread
Posts: 1478
I see what you're saying. I think I can put the amount of anything being produced at that location as another column, You might gets zeroes in one or the other column if nothing that is needed is being produced and vice versa. Like you need basic chem but no chem being produced there so it will show zero in the producing column, but if you are producing Basic Minerals and nothing is USING Basic Minerals then you will get a zero in the first column. The list is going to contain all the products NEEDED and BEING PRODUCED in one list then have two columns, one for the Needed and the other for the Produced.

Also, at the bottom I think I can make the same list but for all locations, like a "total empire" So you can get an idea of how much X product you are using and how much you are producing as a total corporation.

I wonder if I should sneak Buys/Sells into that somehow? So you can see that you are buying X product a turn and dumping it at that location .... thats a can of worms actually, forget it =)
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