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27000 Monthly Economic Report Messages in this topic - RSS

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Monthly Economic Review: 27000

Galactic News Network is pleased to announce the new Monthly Economic Review.

GNN Economic Analysts have compiled some data with the help of industry experts to bring their first ever report concerning the economic state of the galaxy. This report also highlights one corporation a month, and highlights the strengths and focus of that business.

This report analyzes general galactic data, as well as highlights specific product categories that have high potential for earnings, or notes product markets that are being oversupplied at the moment.

Boldor Galactic Inc, AKA the old StarCorp
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Posts: 87

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Corporation Highlight: Hunter

Arriving on the scene on near turn 20,520, Hunter has seen strong growth as a corporation. Hunter holds a level 8 Corporate headquarters and is ranked 20th in corporation net worth, having a value of over 8.5 billion. This net worth is not kept in cash however; hunter holds less than 1 billion on cash, meaning the rest is invested in physical assets.

This corporation is highly invested in its’ ongoing enterprises. Hunter is ranked #7 in the galaxy for industrial production. Nearly all of this industrial output is invested in 2 areas: research facilities across the galaxy, and their ongoing efforts to redevelop the Rigil system.

Hunter moved their main production facilities to Rigil shortly after StarCorp began their resettlement program there. The young corporation now supports nearly all the population of that system through their industries. The corporation is currently operating at a profit, in spite of the extensive research program they have across the galaxy.

Despite the fact that no artifact locations reside in Rigil, Hunter has succeeded in establishing 6 different research facilities across the galaxy, even as far as Gilliam in Sector 7. These facilities keep Hunter moving ahead as a pioneer in new and developing technologies.

The corporation appears to be invested in a long-term plan to grow and maintain the populations of Rigil. Hunter owns assets at all 4 orbital locations around Rigil I, which have been a key part of developing that planet. This young but successful corporation appears to be “all-in” on whatever enterprise they set their minds to do.

And for their part, it seems to be working.
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Posts: 87
System Analysis

Sol is currently the only system seeing strong population growth, being driven by population gains on the planet earth nearing 1 million per turn. This system provides opportunity for nearly every product type, with certain types of components yielding good prices are large volumes. Synthetics and Power Cells are very weak at the moment.

Corporations looking for business in Sol have numerous opportunities to sell products: Earth maintains a good demand in large volumes of most product types; Jupiter and Mars both provide a good secondary market for sellers to provide larger amounts of goods to; and the rest of the system can provide quick opportunities to make a good profit.

The Gulyaev system is seeing a small decline in population across the system. This provides some opportunities to sell large quantities of goods for higher prices than can be found in the Sol system. End Products are weak in this system, but there is a tremendous demand for raw materials that can be taken advantage of.

Corporations looking to serve the Gulyaev market have 5 planets with populations over 1 million. This provides enough market to be able to sell large quantities across the system. Corporations who supply Raw Materials should look to sell on Gulyaev II and Gulyaev VII, where they will make significant profits on their materials.

The only other system showing positive growth, Luyten also features a strong opportunity for corporations to establish themselves. Raw Materials are also in high demand in this system. Almost half the population of the entire system is located in one city, Vallejo; this provides a large quantity of demand, but prices in the city are lower than many of the smaller cities throughout the system.

Corporations looking to work in Luyten should look for some of the lucrative opportunities outside of the Vallejo urban center, or find products within the city that have higher demand levels, especially products in the Civilian Services catergory. In all Luyten can be a good system for corporations to find decent opportunities that will return a good profit.

The “second system”, Centauri is a system with 3 significant planets, all with population over 5 million. This makes for great opportunities to establish efficient operations that can service these 3 well-populated planets. While not having any extreme demands needs compared to Gulyaev and Luyten, this system boasts moderate demand in several categories, with raw materials being higher on Centauri I and Centauri XI.

Selling in this system can allow for great efficiency, as corporations can focus on the 3 population centers, and have enough demand within the system to support mid-sized manufacturing operations. Certain product categories will allow for a strong profit to be made here.

The only system outside of Sector 1, Yrsa provides a more isolated environment for those seeking to avoid the more complicated and sometimes volatile markets in Sector 1. The system hosts only 1 planet with a large population, but has numerous locations with a small population. This makes for a large number of locations that have high raw material demands. Smaller operations can flip a great profit off of these underserved planets.

Corporations looking to work here should keep their operations from growing too large, and instead seek to diversify their product offerings to avoid oversaturating the smaller market size. Doing this can provide a stable selling environment with low competition from other corporations.

This system has recently undergone a resettlement effort, and currently has 3 settled planets. More than half the system population resides on Rigil I, a planet which hosts only 2 cities. This provides an easy opportunity for quick profits at a decent demand level, especially for those looking to provide components or civilian services. The low overall population level makes working in this system more difficult than some of the larger markets.

Any prospective corporations looking for a new challenge or good side profits should seek to sell in Rigil. This system is quiet, which provides much less volatility in the market, and has enough population to sustain smaller operations. This system has only a few, yet dedicated, corporations seeking to help the system flourish. Other corporations can take advantage of the growth potential of this system.
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