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Suggestion for added revenue to the game Messages in this topic - RSS

Posts: 3

Posts: 3
I was thinking that perhaps the game could afford to allow a bit a micro-transactions to the game which would help not only the player who bought them, but potentially the whole player base as a whole.

Two things I can think of are,
City Spawn, a basic level 1 city that is immune to negative population change for 7 days (to establish industry before it collapses) - $15-25
Preserve City Population - 7 days, Keeps a single selected city population from declining due to natural course or neglect (not including disasters from players or random events) - $10-15

Just make sure to place a warning that these are transient and the city can collapse at any moment.

And for new players that have accounts less then 30 days old, perhaps allow them to make a one time only purchase stimulus packages to get them started.
It could include income booster or reduced construction time or any number of things, or a combination of them in one or few different packages.
Once these new players get on their feet, it should help expand the games population.
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Lorian Vyorin
Lorian Vyorin
Posts: 8

Lorian Vyorin
Lorian Vyorin
Posts: 8
Please no
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