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Sirius System Provisional Charter Messages in this topic - RSS

Posts: 5

Posts: 5
We, the corporations of the Liaison Federation, have come to the uninhabited system
of Sirius with the intention of establishing control early and ultimately founding
a free trade economy comparable, and hopefully superior, to that of Sol.

To that end, we will be establishing temporary trade restrictions as necessary in order
to found sustainable cities on the various planets of the system.

We do recognize that there exist two mysterious artifacts in the system.

We do not, at this time, place any restrictions on the research of said artifacts.

We reserve the right to do so in the future should overcrowding become a detriment
to the growth of the system as a whole.

Should such measures be taken, those coporations with existing research facilities
at the time of this provisional charter shall be given special consideration.
Exordium Inc
Galactic Tobacco LLC

We as a collective do not intend to abandon the Sol system and will continue to strive
for its improvement.
It is our hope that these actions will be viewed favorably by the peoples of the Galaxy
and that we can all continue to work together to the betterment of all worlds.

Should any wish to formally join us in our endeavors -- by inclusion in the Federation or
as a corporate ally in the Sirius system -- or to make a request for exemption
regarding trade legislation, please contact:
Founder and CEO Zilcorp
Liaison Federation Director

Trade Legislation:

All in-system trade is open at this time.
The Liasion Federation reserves for itself the building and maintenance of all Civilian Services, Including Spaceports and Warp Gates.

All imports are welcome at this time. Be advised, volumes are low in existing cities.
Exports to other systems should be composed of Tier 3 products only at this time.
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