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Alert Beacon
Wreith42 Posts: 58
I think it would be nice to have some sort of structure that could be built anywhere, including open space, that would send a comm to the owner if someone entered the structure's range. This would probably be easier to implement if the other idea to have Ally and Enemy lists was implemented first. This could be another application of that besides auto attacking.
Doctor Dread Administrator Posts: 1478
Wreith42 wrote:
I think it would be nice to have some sort of structure that could be built anywhere, including open space, that would send a comm to the owner if someone entered the structure's range. This would probably be easier to implement if the other idea to have Ally and Enemy lists was implemented first. This could be another application of that besides auto attacking.
Ya know, this is a great idea. If I made, say, your CorpHQ have to ability to set a beacon for certain types of hostiles entering the planet, it could then "trigger" some of your units to attack or respond or what not. Perhaps we make something like the Star base have this ability. That would keep the numbers way down and make a starbase more useful. Higher level bases can have higher range, level 10 can do the system. With a Starbase you can setup a response to things like, have these groups move and attack whatever units enter the planet range and there could be some conditions set. it could even do something simple like show a list of all units with movement destinations within your range and where they are heading. Information you cant really get anywhere else
Zilchus Posts: 5
That would be awesome.
Wreith42 Posts: 58
That would be great. This would also help with the problem people are having about not noticing raiders in the area.
OriontheHunterr Posts: 24
Yes this. Right now I have to go around the Viewscreen to every yellow dot or bigger to look for Raiders.