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Kaiju 9 Monster Messages in this topic - RSS

Posts: 8

Posts: 8
Heya all ..

Strange tremors are occurring at Earth | 6:8
Stage: 1 - Kaiju 9 Monster is awakening - Ends: 38964

Just started to play about a week ago. When this Event appeared today, i tried to read and figure out what i have to do now since i don't have big firepower yet. Do i have to build some additional military stuff and if yes, which one? As it's mentioned that the max Level of the Kaiju is 10 and this one is 9, it seems a lot power is needed. Any advice for a newbie?
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Posts: 58

Posts: 58
Metoneca, I don't know if you got a more helpful answer somewhere else, and you can get most of this by looking at the event and battle reports, but:
The Kaiju types are listed at the very bottom of the combat section of the guide. They attack as armored, battlesuit, or fighter units (with their strengths and weaknesses) depending on the type. I believe the levels are the same as our units, so a Kaiju lvl 9 has a 87 multiplier to it's values.
What units you would need to have to be useful depends on the monster type as mentioned. All the strengths/weaknesses can be found in the combat charts in the guide.
Additionally the monsters are allergic to a particular resource. If they enter a space with that resource, they will take damage based on the amount of the material present.
Finally, the Kaiju automatically attacks any location in enters, so if you set your units to Guard Location at a point in the monsters's path, you will engage it when it arrives.

You receive a monetary reward based on the amount you are able to contribute to the battle. Unless the monster is vastly overwhelmed, it's usually not worth it to participate just to try and get the reward.
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