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Spaceport mechanic overhaul Messages in this topic - RSS

Doctor Dread
Doctor Dread
Posts: 1478

Doctor Dread
Doctor Dread
Posts: 1478
There was an idea a while ago to change spaceports from being a set amount of money based on all trades happening on the planet to instead be an actual port that you sell goods to and then take a profit from that. Making spaceport more interactive and something higher level corps would find useful to use.

The idea is that instead of selling to the individual cities on the planet, you can instead sell to the port. The reason why you would do this is because through the port you can sell mass quantity of goods at once. Probably the volume of the entire planet for that product and scaling up by the level of the port. The port acts like a NPC distribution center that sells to the individual cities. The demand would go down evenly across the cities on the planet by a similar amount to if you had sold them individually.

The Cons of using the port is that you will not get the highest demand price possible for what you are selling. You will be getting an average. Typically the price of the products between cities wouldn't be that wide so getting the average wouldn't much of a loss, and you can still sell to individual cities at the same time . You are also going to end up paying a percentage to the spaceport owner.

The spaceport owner currently receives a cut of profit from all trades happening on the planet, instead they will now receive a cut of all the trades happening at HIS PORT. The only real reason to use one port over another is perhaps location (location location...)

Increasing the level of the port increases the "volume" the port can handle. The volume of the port isn't a set number, it is a percentage of the existing volume on the planet by product. If there is total 10k volume for meats than perhaps a level 1 port has a volume of 10% or 1000 for meats, level 2, 3 port increases that volume to 20%,, 50% scaling with its multiplier somehow and capping at 1000% (10x the volume of the planet) Or maybe level 10 port becomes 100% of the total planet volume essentially allowing you to double to volume of the planet. Having a port would allow you to sell past the normal volume cap, essentially double selling and allowing the demand to fall by 2% a turn if max volume is sold via city and port..

This sort of mechanic makes it so putting a port on a small planet with 1 or 2 cities not viable (which is a good thing). Ports become more useful as the planet scales up. And increasing the port level is based on player demand to move more product, not simply to up the number . You can have multiple ports competing on a planet since one might be closer to a route but the other one might be higher level making it better for bigger corps to dump faster.

Spaceport megastructure would mean a lot more if it was destroyed or captured since there might be a lot of players who have set up routes on it. It also makes larger corps become interested in Spaceports and leaving the selling to individual cities to the smaller players moving smaller amounts.
edited by DrDread on 3/9/2018
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Posts: 276

Posts: 276
This proposed mechanic might provide a buffer against the wild booms and busts that still seem to be plaguing Earth.
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Posts: 83

Posts: 83
Like the idea Dread... hello Hutton, long time smile
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Posts: 276

Posts: 276
Hello, City Manager. About six months, I think.
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Posts: 47

Posts: 47
I'm curious what would happen if a Spaceport was in the process of capture and someone moved to salvage it. Will salvaging be disabled during capture?

Also, regarding Earth Megastructures, is it possible to have permanent Terran Megastructures provided that the community voted for it? One idea is that they will have one of each structure in each quadrant and some number of ships to defend those locations. If a structure is attacked, Terran forces will converge onto those points. If a structure is captured, the Terrans would continually try to recapture it. If a structure is destroyed, a new one will be created after some number of turns and will level up at a normal pace to level 5 but no further.
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Doctor Dread
Doctor Dread
Posts: 1478

Doctor Dread
Doctor Dread
Posts: 1478
Sounds like you're making an NPC Megastructure, like Terran Federation makes a megastructure and responds to it. I can imagine votes for laws that last a week or so which can accomplish the same thing without having to make actual units. Something like "Terran Federation is going to construct a Space Elevator but you can vote on which planet it goes on."
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Posts: 390

Posts: 390
I happen to like this idea. In fact I like all kinds of ideas which make trade more interesting... more on this coming.
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