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"Wings" of ships Messages in this topic - RSS

Doctor Dread
Doctor Dread
Posts: 1478

Doctor Dread
Doctor Dread
Posts: 1478
So Ive gone for a while but Im coming back now. I added "Wings" today. They are a single unit but they count as a stack of 10 ships. i.e. "Corvette Wing". They exist from Scout to Carrier and it takes from level 5 to 10 shipyard to make them. They are 80% cost in credits and logistics of the normal units... times 10. Otherwise all their stats are 10x the unit they represent. You can even put one artifact on them and get the full effect. This should make have forces of smaller (normal) ships a little more viable. The cost advantage and Artifact efficiency should compete with the special ships.
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Posts: 167

Posts: 167
I see no reason these were added. Special ships should compete with special ships. Not suped up stock ships that anyone can get. The elite ships are in their own class because of the requirements and costs associated with acquiring them.. I really don't see any value added here.

Never trust anything that can think for itself if you can’t see where it keeps its brain..
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Doctor Dread
Doctor Dread
Posts: 1478

Doctor Dread
Doctor Dread
Posts: 1478
They aren't meant to compete with special units. Its just an easier way to put together stacks of smaller ships. Its not easy to make or mange a dozen destroyers to escort your big ships, its not easy on the database either. Now you can do it with a single unit. There is an advantage putting a single artifact on a single unit representing 10 ships since you're getting 10x the effect now. No one was doing this on smaller ships before because you might as well put your Nova Cannon on a dreadnought and not a corvette. But the 10x stack of corvettes might be worthwhile. This is the only arguable superior advantage of Wings right now, the efficient artifact usage.

Even that should eventually change in the future. I want to make the artifact effects scale with size of the unit it is placed on. making a size 100 unit the baseline that it is now. But if you place a nova cannon on a size 2 ship like a scout, the effect will be 5x normal. If you place it a unit size 200 the effect is half what it is normally.
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Posts: 58

Posts: 58
Is the size normal and the logistics benefit the result of the "wing" classification or is the size actually lower.
Just wondering if the lower logistics cost means that they will also take a lower percentage of damage in combat vs their single counterparts. Trying to understand all the benefits.
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Doctor Dread
Doctor Dread
Posts: 1478

Doctor Dread
Doctor Dread
Posts: 1478
Their size IS smaller that what a normal 10 stack would be so they will actually take 20% less damage drawn to them in a fight then 10 single ships. The logistics is based on the size of the unit so that's where your 20% logistics savings is.
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Posts: 47

Posts: 47
This logistics improvement may be useful for large-scale mining operations. Although, it would sacrifice flexibility when compared to the same number of individual ships in a fleet. I can see it being complicated to combine singlets to form a wing (different stats, level, etc.) or decompose wings. But maybe it can be done.
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