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Grand History of Barons of the Galaxy Messages in this topic - RSS

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I have taken it upon myself, with the great assistance of many fine and old corporations, to compile and hereby record for future generations the great and tumultuous history of Barons of the Galaxy. Events will not be strictly chronological, particularly due to the difficulty in establishing exact dates and timelines without complete records having been maintained. These chronicles will instead focus on the narration of events, as told by the remaining corporations from those ancient days, as well as the traces of evidence that may still be found in the old forum posts.

This post will contain updates as information is gathered and compiled. Those with knowledge of these events are encouraged to provide revisions and suggestions to provide the most accurate narrative of what has happened in the great and terrible days of old.

Boldor Galactic Inc, AKA the old StarCorp
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Posts: 69

Posts: 69
Chapter 3 - Of Glvgir the Unflayed and the Coming of Ragnarok

Now many new and exciting corporations were being founded as the possibility of space exploration and settlement had become a reality. And such a number of new corporations were being founded that the new Terran Federation, still seeking to implement the new worldwide government along with the necessary regulations and restrictions, could not at the beginning effectively screen individuals who sought to settle the far reaches of the galaxy.

It was then that, out of the darkness and low places of the ruined city of New York, emerged the great and notorious Glvgir the Unflayed.

Downtrodden and outcast, Glvgir was no stranger to the other corporations of earth. It was he that sought to bring about the extermination of all life on the planet earth during the Great War, and the ruin and terror and that was inflicted by his hands was still fresh in the minds of many.

Glvgir had not always regarded with such dread and ire. Like many of the inhabitants of earth during the Great War, Glvgir was swept up into the great conflict that had consumed the lives of so many. Glvgir himself was not drafted as a soldier, but rather as a resource and mining specialist, providing the vast materials and goods required to sustain and feed the ongoing war effort. There he served admirably, faithfully and efficiently providing huge quantities of mined ores and minerals to be used to create the materials of war.

Here it was in the great mines of Chelyabinsk that he became skilled in the craft of mining. Glvgir became known as one of the elite mining experts in those days, and made no few acquaintances with others of similar craft and skill. During these days it was that the great miners of old came together in secret to form the mining guild, and looking ahead to the bright and prosperous days after the end of the war and the rebuilding on earth, they sought to work together to control the mining industries, and thus make no little profit when peace had once again come.

During these days of planning and scheming, while Glvgir was continuing in his work to provide the materials for the war, the workers in a deep section of the mine uncovered a small chest made of petrified wood, which had simple and ancient carvings inscribed on the top and sides. These workers brought it at once to Glvgir, who, opening the chest, found great and ancient texts of an unknown language. Seeking the meaning found within, Glvgir brought these texts in the cover of night to the great Sage Svetlana in Nizhny Novgorod, who himself was an ancestor of the great Grigori Rasputin.

And there in the cellar of his small dwelling did Svetlana uncover the great and terrible secrets of old, by consulting the mediums and powers of his, and being shown the meaning by unknown powers, translated it to the Russian language. And Glvgir had his mind disturbed and in awe of what he found within, of the destruction of mankind and the coming of Ragnarok. In the texts it was told that the one who destroyed mankind would usher the coming of a great and ancient one called Ragnarok, and it would be he who would be bestowed the power and glory to rule and reign over the new world that Ragnarok would bring.

Here in Novgorod was Glvgir’s heart deceived, and malice and evil entered him. And thinking himself the one called to such a task, began to plot and scheme as to how he would destroy the remainder of humanity.

It was nearing the end of the war, when Alexander Volkov first issued force with his unstoppable armies to quell the enemies of Russia, and none could stand up to his might. And great triumphs were achieved across the earth. Glvgir, his heart now set on the destruction of humankind, saw the awesome power to be harnessed through these new and mysterious machines. He at once brought together a great number of his loyal mining workers, and speaking lies and untruths to them, convinced them to join him in a great crusade to end the war.

Using their mining credentials as cover, small groups of these now radicalized workers entered into the spaceport, and were able to infiltrate the nearby military shipyard where a garrison of these new ships and armies was temporarily stationed. There they were able to gain control of several tanks and battlesuits, and using the advanced weapons, destroyed the soldiers and pilots garrisoned there.

Emboldened by his unexpected success, Glvgir immediately sent his new forces to a nearby base in what was once Kazakhstan, and masquerading as friendly units, unexpectedly attacked the military units there before they had the opportunity to respond. And there Glvgir captured a large quantity of advanced fighting forces.

He then sent forth his armies, instructing them to destroy key targets that would hasten the downfall of humanity, and it was by their hands that much suffering and death was brought upon earth.

Then it came to be that soldiers of Russian military heard of the rogue forces causing wanton destruction across much of the planet. And detached from their number was The Yellow Monolith crewed by members of the corporation Machina Morituri, before they had yet joined the Ark Group; along with them came many other ships, tasked with stopping and destroying the rogue armies.

A great chase then began, with the The Yellow Monolith relentlessly pursuing the forces of Glvgir, who still went about causing much chaos and destruction. At last it came about that Vulpex, captain of The Yellow Monolith, learned the secret location of Glvgir in the mining complex of Chelyabinsk, and at once he sent his forces to the mines. And entering into the complex, the forces of Machina Morituri did battle against the armies of Glvgir.

Seeing his peril, Glvgir ordered all his forces to return to Chelyabinsk to defend at all costs; and a great battle happened in the skies over the expanse of forests and fields of the land; and captain Vulpex and his forces were victorious. Filled with despair, Glvgir entered at once into the mines, and passing through the unknown ways, came out unharmed. It was during this time that Glvgir became known as the Unflayed. And there were his great and terrible forces defeated.

He at once sought out the Sage Svetlana to discern if he had acted rashly, and upon arrival in Novgorod, found to his great agony that the great sage had been killed during an attack by his own marauding forces. The anguish in his heart was unceasing, and a fire burned in him that could not be unkindled. And from there he left the great land of Russia, and passing over the sea, came to the ruined city of New York. And there he stayed for some time in the dark places, brooding evermore ominous and ruinous thoughts.
edited by CptCommanche on 6/7/2018

Boldor Galactic Inc, AKA the old StarCorp
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