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What should we work on next? 10/2019 Messages in this topic - RSS

What should we work on next?

Anomalies / Quests:10
Guild Bank:12
Strategic Locations:9
Political Score:11
Remake the Website Modern:13
Doctor Dread
Doctor Dread
Posts: 1478

Doctor Dread
Doctor Dread
Posts: 1478
The game has just been reset this weekend and many of the things on the previous WSWWON (working title). So now I'm positing another another one but with mostly the same features. I was able to get these features in but they are pretty rudimentary so if voted for I can work on them more to expand the existing feature.

Anomalies / Quests: These are in but only the Haul mission is implemented. This was a bare minimum to get anomalies into the game, re spawning and picking random missions appropriately but there's only one mission type right now. A vote for this means I'll prioritize adding all the other missions types I had in mind. Transport, Combat, Exploration etc.

Guild Bank: Currently you can set a tax rate across your guild members to take their profits and put into a guild bank. The guild leaders can go to their guild mates assets page and check off their assets that the guild will pay the upkeep on. A vote here will prioritize me expanding the guild system in general which would include moving money directly into the bank, taxing members (probably by guild rank) different tax rates and making more ranks that are editable in name.

Strategic Locations: These were never implemented but they would be places / structures that you can capture from each other (never destroy) that give your corp some kind of perk. It could be a prison colony that provides free infantry. It could be a special geological site that give your corp a special bonus to a particular category of materials or even products. It can be something that allows all your ships to engage low level warp anywhere without a gate etc.

Political Score: Currently there is a political score based on your titles which only gives a boost to logistics. A vote here would mean you want me to expand the political score into the actual voting system and re-work some of the political voting system also. Perhaps allowing for Whitelist/Blacklist of other corps at a rulers sphere of influence which can prevent them from buying selling, constructing in that leaders area. Earth would always be allowed even if you are a ruler there. That's just a couple of examples

Unit Order Features: This would be things like a buy sell price kill switch setting to prevent units from buying or selling when the demand is too low or high. It would also include working on the much asked for "How long is this order loop going to take?" feature.

Remake the Website Modern: A big ask but this would be too spend time re making the entire games UI into a more modern format. The layout of the game is a design from nearly 10 years ago. I would slowly recreate the game in a new framework where things would still be familiar but it would work much better on all devices and probably run smoother also.
+3 link
Posts: 10

Posts: 10
I'd personally like to see the political features fleshed out some more. I think the number 1 thing that gives BOTG its charm is the political landscape. While charters are fun and people tend to act in good faith in regards to rulership, it would be interesting to see some real influence awarded to political leaders outside of hoping the largest military figures will be on your side when push comes to shove.

I'd also like to add that I don't really see any issues with the UI, and changing it up could be uber risky. I could see some work be put into making things fit into a mobile screen better, but I'd personally like to see little energy (if any) go into messing with the UI.
+1 link
Doctor Dread
Doctor Dread
Posts: 1478

Doctor Dread
Doctor Dread
Posts: 1478
The website UI is going to be remade from the ground up. I'm already looking into it. The layout will be familiar but the screen themselves are going to be remade to be a lot more user friendly. I want to fix a few things first namely whats on the poll,make sure its stable and then start re-working the website on the side
+1 link

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