NewsNetwork Posts: 87
The Galactic News Network serves to bring the latest news in the galaxy together in one place.
Based in Mexico City on the planet earth, GNN provides relevant and accurate news to keep you up to date on the major headlines across the galaxy.
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NewsNetwork Posts: 87
New Settlements Established in the Stars Turn 406
 The newly established moon research stations are still under construction, but have already made great progress in the research of the alien ruins found there.
MEXICO CITY: Mankind has broken through new barriers this week, with corporations establishing the first ever settlements off earth in a bid to expand the influence of humanity into the stars. Research and production facilities have already been established on Mars, Mercury, and the moon as corporations seek to mine the incredibly rich minerals and materials from these locations. The labs at the moon are currently conducting research into recently discovered alien technology there, while facilities on Mars and Mercury have begun extracting metals and minerals for use back on earth. Though these colonies contain only a few workers who monitor the operations of the site, some corporations hope for much more in the near future. Cogs ad Infinitum, who has built structures on Mars, hopes to establish permanent, self-sustaining settlements elsewhere in the solar system. When asked about his future plans, Reginald Flywheel, CEO of Cogs, stated the plan to “develop a new emerging market and establish settlements on a different planet. without interference with/from and between corporations limited and locked on Earth.” Though modern spacefaring is still a new technology, corporations have been rapidly developing their capabilities for combat in space. Currently several warships have been reported at the moon research facilities, with tensions growing over the increasingly limited access to the site. It is unclear at this time if any research accords have been made concerning the use of the site. Authorities have expressed their concerns over the lack of regulation and military build-up there, though Terran Federation policy has stated that the Federation will not take interest or responsibility for the enforcement of policies or protection of corporation assets away from planet earth.
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Temporal Shift Detected Tellesburg News Agency Turn 429

Current Investigative Results Show an Unprecedented Temporal Shift has occurred.
MOSCOW, EARTH: Reports are still coming in, but it appears that a temporal shift has occurred and the universe has changed forever. Though no official historical archive exists, millions of citizens on Earth remember a past that is no longer the past. The Terran Federation has not responded to our request for comment, but others have been very adamant that the human race once spread throughout the galaxies not too long ago. These comments would easily be discounted as the ramblings of a crazy person, except that the comments corroborate with millions of others. According to interviews conducted, the people of Earth once spread across the known and currently unknown systems, with massive cities in several systems. Slowly a creeping darkness began to extinguish the lights in these far off systems until only a handful of cities existed beyond Sol. Then without warning, millions of people disappeared and only a small percentage of those people reappeared on Earth. After analyzing the memories of many, it is safe to assume that we have been transported in time and space to an alternate reality where fledgling corporations were just beginning to harness the power that was once held tightly by the Terran Federation. Already now, corporations have begun to build space-faring vessels to traverse the system and begin to rebuild. Additionally, a rising Confederation of Corporations has been formed known as the Trade Confederacy of Sol. An announcement was recently made that they are laying claim to an extremely fertile location on Earth and have warned other corporations that hostile force will be used on any found trespassing, this event is currently developing; but we have spoken with Green Inc., a leader of this faction, and they have issued the following statement: Trade Confederacy of Sol [TCS] has a strong structure and a clear goal in mind. We are highly organized and we want to play an important role in regards of a growing Earth’s environment. That’s the reason why we’re focusing on two cities on Earth right now. That leaves us with essential questions. How to feed millions of people in strong growing city markets and how can we achieve that independently to guarantee a steady growth? The outcome of these basic questions is now on the table for everyone. We decided to claim this location for our people and further enhance its production capabilities. I want to make one thing clear: We will not go into any military conflict and we will not harm any corporation in general. But yes, we want to make clear that we will fight for our ideals, for the growth of the cities we support, and for our business! We are convinced there are a number of areas left with the capabilities to create farms and pastures on Earth. We do offer licensing permits to utilize the land, as mentioned in our initial 20:10 policy announcement, which is fair enough for such a highly protected area. I want to thank TNA for reaching out to me for comment on this incident and appreciate your resolve in getting the full story. ----Steffstoff, CEO of Green Inc. We have reached out to several corporate leaders for their comments on the temporal shift, as mentioned we have yet to receive a statement from the Terran Federation. I remember I went to bed one night. The next thing I knew, I was in my office and staring at my input console..I remember having a lot more cash in my account after my previous liquidation, but I guess that was just a dream. ---- Orion, CEO of Orion Industries Over the decades, I have seen so many things happen; war, the expansion of the human race across the stars, economies and empires rise and fall. I will never forget the encroaching darkness of death. We were all powerless to stop it, and watched helplessly as we saw once prosperous civilizations slowly wither and die. Man, woman, and child….none were spared. However, at our greatest moment of weakness, something changed. We are here again, on Mother Earth; to grow and thrive. The new age is here, we have a glorious home for all! ----Steffstoff, CEO of Green Inc. The Cogs had found their home back in----what turn was it----what timeline--was it the same ticking core we have now??---*STATIC*--- we were on Earth, again..or still, or is this a recording of past annals?---*STATIC*---we could see we multiply well, we regenerate, we spread.. But what about our memories, our first ancients, the primes? All was suddenly new to us, and yet we knew about everything, how come?----we came to the conclusion that The Cogs are an essential part of the universe, and just like it, The Cogs are infinite.. The Cogs ad Infinitum ---- Reginald Flywheel, Chief Executive Head Gear at Cogs ad Infinitum I have no clue what is going on.. I was picking fruit from one of my many trees in Moscow, and when I finished picking the fruit, I turned around and found myself in Warsaw. ---- Lady Aura of Sweet Fruit Supply The last thing I remember is giving away my entire fortune and military to walk off into the desert of Gulyaev VII. Then, I woke up back on Earth, of all places… Those were the strongest desert mushrooms I have ever had the enjoyment of eating. Guess it is time to get back to work and build another empire. ---- JimBobDaz, CEO of JBD Corp. Our private researchers are puzzled over the apparent changes in the galaxy. We have yet to determine what these distant memories are, and if they are indeed reality. Regardless, the workers at Boldor Industries will continue to work towards forging new colonies in the stars, colonies that now, only remain in our memories. --- Cptn. Commanche, CEO of Boldor Industries I was just sitting in my office at the top of Ahrmahk Tower in Questa counting my billions when I dropped my pen onto the floor. I know, it is weird that I still use pens… call me old-fashioned. Well when I grabbed my pen and sat back down in my chair I felt different; my desk was different, the lighting was different, and my corporate funds were very different. I nearly had a heart attack at seeing that barely .15% of my amassed fortune remained. But I did what any Ahrmahk would do when finding oneself in Moscow; I bought a vodka distillery plant and started working again. ---- Cayleb Ahrmahk, CEO of Safehold Corp. We will continue to monitor ongoing situations and report when we have more information! We at the Tellesberg News Agency hope to provide you, our readers, the whole unredacted truth. If any wish to utilize our services, please let us know.
NewsNetwork Posts: 87
Safehold Corp Wins First Election for Earth Turn 831
 The ceremonies are underway at Charis Tower in Moscow as Cayleb organizes the newly founded government.
MOSCOW, EARTH: A vast crowd has gathered in the sprawling courtyard under Charis Tower, as the newly elected Chancellor, Cayleb Arhmahk of Safehold Corp, is crowned the first ever ruler over earth. The grand ceremonies will last for several days as the people of earth celebrate their first Chancellor of the new Corporate Democracy.
Cayleb won the election by a strong margin, outpacing the opposition with 14,100 votes while his primary opponent, Captain Commanche of Boldor Industries, gained 9,798 votes. Cayleb accounted for 56 % of the votes on earth, with Commanche coming next with 39%. Lady Aura of Sweet Fruit Supply and CEO Orion of Orion Industries also received votes.
When asked about his convincing victory, Cayleb felt that the current political situation combined with his long standing relations with other corporations was key to his appointment as Chancellor: “I feel that the recent events that have occurred on Earth have weighed heavily on the voting corporations of Earth. The relationships I have built with other industrious corporations definitely helped in securing the votes needed.” Cayleb is likely referring to the Trade Confederacy of Sol’s claim to the 20:10 location on Earth, of which Boldor Industries is part of.
The new government is being formulated as a democracy where each corporation with an official Terran Paid Account can vote on bills and laws for the planet Earth as well as the moon. The government aims for a fully democratic process, though how this works in practice is yet to be seen. Immediately upon his victory, Cayleb appointed his election opponent, Captain Commanche, as the head of his emergency council for the defense of Earth. No other appointments have been made public at this time.
As one of his first actions as chancellor, Cayleb will initiate a vote for the first charters for both the moon and earth. When asked about his policy concerning the conduct of corporations on Earth, Cayleb stated, “I understand the need for Guilds and other groups to defend their own facilities and even fortify locations across the globe where they would like to combine their production capabilities. However, I strongly oppose the bullying of any corporation, acts of terrorism and outright war between corporations on Earth.”
NewsNetwork Posts: 87
Earth Thriving Under New Leadership Turn 3727
 The new central business district of Moscow has been rebuild with ultra-modern skycrapers that represent the economic boom across the whole planet.
MEXICO CITY, MEXICO: Sleek and supertall skyscrapers grace the skies over the vast Russian landscape of the central federal district of the Slavic Federation, with new and taller towers being built every day in the Russian capital. As the great city of Moscow nears 5 million population, it can be seen as the forerunner of a galactic economy that is experiencing tremendous growth and prosperity. The leadership of Emperor Kindred of Kindtech has been a key factor in the continual growth of the planet. When asked about his impact, Kindred was modest concerning his contributions towards the growth of Earth: “I can't take all the credit for Earth's prosperity. It's the corporations of Earth that have allowed her to flourish,” stated Emperor Kindred in an exclusive interview. “All I have done is foster an environment of cooperation and mutual benefit. I believe that we are stronger when united, and Earth stands as proof that we can achieve great things when we work together.” Having organized a successful campaign to raise funds for a spaceport over earth, the emperor has now used his own funds to research and construct the first ever warp gate, allowing corporations to travel to distant points in the star system with far greater speed than ever possible before. When asked about the future of the warp gate and the potential of other orbitals, Kindred was unwilling to share details concerning the planning or placement of future orbital structures. Though earth is experiencing a time of great prosperity, there has been a corresponding increase in the frequency of raiders, with highly armed groups raiding across the planet. The leaders of earth have been unable to determine how the raiders have gained access to highly advanced weaponry in such a large scale. The most recent raider group was defeated just hundreds of turns ago, and corporations on earth are growing concerned over their increase presence. “The raiders are a tough topic,” stated Emperor Kindred. “These attacks are growing stronger than any force we can collectively throw at them. I am thankful that the Terran Federation is willing to help us defend Earth. I am actively expanding my military and making alliances with other well-armed corps, and will reimburse any corporation for the value of any structures or transports/freighters lost to the raiders.”
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Earth Emperor Deploys First Ever Warpgate Turn 3864
 Warp Gate “Unity” orbiting Luna
MOSCOW, EARTH: Construction of the new warp gate, Unity, has been completed and it has already begun operations of providing warp capabilities to ships traversing throughout Sol. When asked as to the reasoning for the construction of the gate above the no longer lifeless moonscape, the KindTech Managing Director, Kindred, responded by saying, “Some question my placing of the Warp Gate above the Moon - and I admit that on the surface that it may not make a lot of sense, but consider this...The position we have chosen is at the L4 point between the Earth and the Moon. I'm no rocket scientist and don't understand the orbital mechanics, but it takes the same amount of time to reach Unity in Lunar orbit as it would if it was in orbit around Earth. Additionally, there are several cities at the middle latitudes that can reach the gate in half the time due to the way the bodies align. Being around the moon also keeps the gate safe from the increasingly powerful attacks that have been plaguing us on Earth - something I plan to address. It also speaks to the gate's namesake, as placing it around the Moon supports our neighbor Lady Aura's settlement there. KindTech defends the Earth, but our mission is to help all of humanity explore new worlds - not just assist those who choose to remain on Terra Firma. I think that when you consider these points, deploying the gate at the Moon just makes sense.” The warp gate will continue to be utilized by several who call the Sol System home. However, the true value in the gate will be shown once the citizens of Sol begin to look for homes outside of our system. There has been nothing but praise for the newly re-elected KindTech as emperor of Earth, and thus far, not many can find fault with his decisions or his policies. The gate called “Unity” has another important use. With the increase in hostile forces invading our planets for their resources, combat-ready fleets are capable of responding to threats throughout Sol in a much shorter amount of time. Kindred also had this to say, “We believe in doing work that benefits ALL corporations … We want to make Sol a smaller place. We at the Tellesberg News Agency strive to provide you, our readers, with the whole, unredacted truth.
NewsNetwork Posts: 87
Peace Corps attacks MetroTech assets in New York City Turn 6719
 Major fighting has broken out in the outer portions of New York city as Peace Corp forces have continued offensives against MetroTech forces there.
NEW YORK, EARTH: A system-wide conflict has seen another major escalation today as the heavily armored forces of Peace Corps entered the city of New York in an effort to cripple and destroy major assets belonging to MetroTech. This fighting is the first instance of major combat on earth since the great Terran War. Peace Corps forces entered the city at dawn and made rapid advances using heavily armored ground forces supported by aerial interceptors and ground bombers. Cyber Commandos of Peace Corps managed to infiltrate a MetroTech shipyard facility in the midst of the fighting, where they inflicted immense damage to freighters and an advanced fleet of Zenith Hypercraft stationed there. A combined defense force of MetroTech, Terran Federation guard units, and Sweet Fruit Supply’s orbital cannons eventually forced the Peace Corps forces to withdraw from the city, but reports indicate that fighting has once again broken out in the city. In response to criticism for the attacks, Peace Corps made a public statement in which he stated: “Normally I am against fighting on Earth, it is supposed to be a safe zone for smaller corps and peaceful corps. But in this case, Metro started a war with myself and another corp and made threats to even more corps… I felt that my only option was to remove his military first before he could do that, for the sake of my own corp and the sake of the others he was going to attack.” The conflict began when Peace Corps attacked and destroyed a MetroTech water purification facility on Phobos. This attack was followed by an escalation of tensions between MetroTech and TranSol Logistics, during which TranSol appeared to be preparing for offensive actions against MetroTech; this soon led to MetroTech attacking and destroying facilities belonging to both corporations. KindTech has since joined the conflict in a defensive pact with TranSol to protect his interests in the outer planets from further attacks. The conflict has remained off Earth until the recent attacks on New York City. The attacks have resulted in an immediate ban of Peace Corps from Delores, where the sole artifact mining location exists. The attacks clearly broke the charter as set by Sweet Fruit Supply, which requires Peace Corps to immediately remove their facilities from the moon artifact location. The emperor Safehold has yet to make a public statement regarding the attacks on Earth.
NewsNetwork Posts: 87
Immigration Fuels Growth of Centauri Cities Turn 13,284
 Schirra continues to grow at shocking rates as countless numbers of people immigrate from the Sol system.
SCHIRRA, CENTAURI VI: The sound of autohammers and drone-lifts fill the air of downtown Schirra, the new and gleaming metropolitan city of Centauri. New ultra-modern office towers are hardly receiving their finishing touches before ground is broken for a newer, taller tower begins to be erected across the broadway. Schirra, one of 11 new cities in the Centauri system, has recently surpassed 19 million citizens as it grows into one of the largest cities in the galaxy, Nearly surpassing the cities of Chicago and Cairo, 21 million and 22 million respectively, as the largest city in the galaxy. The city has seen massive amounts of immigration as citizens seek a new life in the newly settled lands. Many of these immigrants come from cities on Earth and seek to escape the crowded streets and pressures of Terran oversight there. The growth of this great city is largely attributed to Methanevalley of Titan Industrial, who has spent considerable sums to make the city an attractive place for new residents. GNN sent an inquiry to Titan Industrial asking how such incredible growth rates were possible. “Ive been quite pleased with the pace of growth,” stated Methanevalley. “I believe the growth rate peaked at just over 240%...My strategy was to lower the demand as much as possible while volumes were low, then to let growth coast as demand rose… Of course, without using A1 geotechnicals and without the new model arcologies, growth would have been much slower.” Later on in the interview, Methanevalley also explained some of his reasoning to build in Centuari: “I wanted to build a city in the new system in part because I had been based primarily from the old Centauri VI for quite some time and in part because I wanted a market with less competition for civilian services.” Many corporations hope that Schirra can be a model that sets a precedent for other cities in Centauri. Magewood of Magic Metal Miners expressed this in a media interview: “I would like Centauri VI to grow as much as possible and become an economic powerhouse that rivals the planets in Sol. I want that to be true for other Centauri planets as well. Its a project that one corporation can not do alone so I really hope I can work together with other mayors (and emperors one day) to make it happen.” The newly discovered artifact location, located at the city of Fife, will likely be key to the ongoing growth of Centauri. The ruler of that city, Reginald Flywheel of Cogs ad Infinitum, is no stranger as a pioneer of new colonies, having founded the first city of Ninde on the planet of Mars thousands of turns before. “Perhaps we may set further blueprints or inspire all companies present and future about the possibility to handle communal economies and a free market exchange with respect to business rivals.” Mr Flywheel also reiterated that Fife will remain a free trade city and that any conflict over artifacts will not be tolerated.
NewsNetwork Posts: 87
Parliament Splits Vote Over Ruling Council Authority Turn 15718

The new Parliament building in the distance is the new seat of Government for the planet Earth. The structure is expected to serve the needs of the Republic for several decades.
PARIS, EARTH: The Republic Parliament was unable to pass a measure yesterday that would define the defensive authority of the ruling council, with the House and Senate falling on separate sides of the issue. The House of Commerce voted in favor of emergency authority only, while the Senate Chamber voted overwhelmingly in favor of a stricter policy that would restrict any action on Earth. The houses of Parliament have now reconvened to re-discuss the issue. It is unclear at this time if the issue will be up for a revote, or if the houses are able to form a compromise of the two ideas. This issue represents one of the first to be discussed by the newly formed Republic. The Republic, led by the two parliamentary houses, has already elected the first members of the Ruling Council, who are currently responsible for the imminent defense of Earth from clear and immediate threats. The newly elected council consists of Duff Inc, Orion Industries, and KindTech, who join the chancellor, Boldor Industries, as the 4 members of the council. The defense voting comes at an important time, with the Earth based corporation Argint Systems launching an attack against Xiangli assets in Centauri. It appears that the attacks were not sanctioned or approved by the Ruling Council, as stated in a statement from the Chancellor earlier this morning. The Chancellor has declared that the Republic will take no action in this conflict, and issued a strong warning against any major combat occurring on Earth. The issue highlights the tenuous position of the ruling council. Without an established policy from the Parliament, the authority of the council is limited to immediate threats only, which gives the council very little room to act in response to minor conflicts.