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Counter strike defensive item missing (trenches)
Surgicus Posts: 11
To our dear developer
Hi Dr. Dread/Serendipity, one item I suggest is missing is the fortification item. It would allow to go to the site of a raiders base for example to be deployed and magnify the defenses of ground units, consecutively allowing attack launches onto their base. The fortification items could be considered like trenches and render the counter strikes against raiders more strategic and sensible.
Doctor Dread Administrator Posts: 1478
Surgicus wrote:
To our dear developer
Hi Dr. Dread/Serendipity, one item I suggest is missing is the fortification item. It would allow to go to the site of a raiders base for example to be deployed and magnify the defenses of ground units, consecutively allowing attack launches onto their base. The fortification items could be considered like trenches and render the counter strikes against raiders more strategic and sensible.
The current defensive structures don't come into play unless you are being attacked. So you wouldn't be able to attack the raiders with a fort even if you could deploy one there. They used to be deploy-able years ago, but it enabled "Turret Rushing" tactics which we want to avoid. I thnk you are talking about making a new item, and a new unit, that is deploy-able and acts as a tench. I don't think thats going to happen.
I realize the raiders are a little ruff right now. I would like to try to make more groups but less units per group plus not allow for so many elite units. Overall the level of the raider base can be scaled down so we don't get level 7-8 bases when earth population isn't even 50 mil edited by DrDread on 10/31/2019