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Game Tutorial is in the works
Doctor Dread Administrator Posts: 1478
We recently sent out a one shot email invite to everyone who has played on previous website projects of our like or and we've also just started working with to do some growth marketing for us. With that out of the way, we finally got back into working on the game. We've realized that the sooner we can get even a part of the game playable the sooner we can invite testers or journalists to try the game out, even if it's not feature complete. About half the game is working already. We can make a corporation, build structures, sell products with ships being ordered to sell to other cities but there is no guidance at all. So we've started to make the tutorial page that should help guide a completely new player into setting up.
It essentially guides you through creating your corporation, placing your Corporate Headquarters producing some resources and then selling them locally and to another nearby city using a transport you construct.It is pretty simple but this is all it takes to get started as it covers all the basics of the game and makes you navigate through the major screens.
We're considering adding another lesson for combat or maybe a detailed run through the interface but we feel that is better left to a Guide that is available after the tutorial. The guide would work more like a searchable encyclopedia or wiki. The tutorial itself is just there to get you starting to play at a bare minimum. We hope to have the tutorial done by this weekend and then we might move on to Contracts which allows players to trade with each other on a regular basis with agreed upon prices
 edited by DrDread on 9/11/2015
Doctor Dread Administrator Posts: 30
We've been busy this last month at work and also at home but we also got a lot done in Barons of the Galaxy. The tutorial is pretty much finished.. It has 10 steps to it and guides the players through some of the basic mechanics of setting up your corporation, producing from a resource, selling, transporting to another city. We'll try to put up some screenshots soon. We're going to move on to the tech upgrades for your corporation next because we realized we needed that in place before the tutorial!