HenriDavidon Posts: 18
Charters and other ephemera often disappear as times change and progress grinds on. This would be a good place to put old charters that you value, but need to replace. (other document types welcome, can't think of any yet)
Below charter was made by Insectoids, first called FIST.
HenriDavidon Posts: 18
Charter For The City Of Wellington |  | Wellington, Earth. Also known as the home to The Intergalactic Hive, as well as the headquarters (The Great Web) of the Insectoid corporation, as well as, The Web of Darkness... This is not a reference to malicious intent, but literally for the darkness that covers the once bustling streets of Wellington. Now, streets run dark, since most "citizens" have little need for lightbulbs. Even during daylight, however, the darkness of the city remains true. Webs, strewn from every high steeple in the city, to the ground below, run so heavy, that light does not shine through. Through intergalactic trade, bugs bought most properties, throughout Wellington and surrounding areas. Well trade is welcome, the credo of The Intergalactic Hive, "Bug for Bug!", says it all... NO CONSTRUCTION OF CIVIL SERVICES, PLEASE. MAGIC HAS EXCLUSIVE RIGHTS! NO CONSTRUCTION ALLOWED, WITH EXCEPTION OF ONE DISTRIBUTION CENTER, PER CORPORATION, WITHIN CITY LIMITS, PLEASE. NO BUYING FROM WELLINGTON. EVER! PLEASE, FEEL WELCOME TO TRADE VIA SHIP, TO FILL GAPS IN WELLINGTON TRADE. GROWTH IS KEY!
HenriDavidon Posts: 18
Welcome to Shanghai, the Industrial and Military Bastion of Earth! | | Message from Ratherios, Mayor of Shanghai: To all residents and visitors of Shanghai, As the new Mayor, I am committed to fortifying our city's defenses and maintaining its status as a key industrial and military hub. While we pivot from seeking external investments to focusing on internal strength and resilience, we continue to welcome trade in components, raw materials, and end products. We remind everyone to respect our city's laws, its people, and our corporate partners. Together, we stand strong in our mission to protect and serve not only Shanghai but also our home planet. Ratherios Rath Tech Mayor of Shanghai
|  | Charter For The City Of Shanghai | |
HenriDavidon Posts: 18
Charter For The Planet Of Earth Live Long and Prosper | | godastig |

 | Hellios Corporation | | (No Titles) | | Ruler of Paris | | Research King of Sol | | | | Welcome to Earth, the Cradle of Humanity! The goal of this Charter is to promote the growth of Earth's population, and to ensure that our home planet remains a safe and fair community for all. This Charter applies to all locations within Earth and its associated orbital space. This Charter supersedes city charters unless specifically noted here. |Markets| - Buying from Earth cities is prohibited unless authorised by city charter. Buying from the spaceport is also prohibited. |Resources & Production| - No corporation may claim any natural resource as their own. - City Rulers reserve the right to control the production of Civilian Services in their respective cities. - City Charters can be considered null and void following one election cycle with no active city ruler |Military| - Destruction of corporate assets is prohibited on Earth UNLESS approved by the Emperor for the purpose of enforcing Charter Law. Charter For The Planet Of Earth | |