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General topics about Barons of the Galaxy

Player of the year Messages in this topic - RSS

Posts: 27

Posts: 27
When something is written in ingame messages, after some time it is autodeleted, and it is lost forever.
But messages on game forum are here from the beginning of the game.

When player opens, not one, but few systems with large numbers of new planets and even larger number of resource positions, this should be written in stone and not forgotten.

This is the list of new systems opened by SynTec and DeepSpace Project Guild:
Previous projects: Sirius (Completed 24/09/22, turn 155300), Naertho (Completed 15/10/22, turn 158300). Current project: Panther

To honor this great effort, this is petition to declare SynTec player of the, not month, but player of the year!

All the best to SynTec and his team from DeepSpace Project Guild!
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Sujk / SynTec
Sujk / SynTec
Posts: 2

Sujk / SynTec
Sujk / SynTec
Posts: 2
Thank you Big Grin
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