General topics about Barons of the Galaxy
Asteroid mining – profit opportunity
Mariner Posts: 32
I see that many players are at max with their Log points, and still they need some other resources (but they don't want to build additional factories to avoid Log Penalty). And they have unused Military Log points. So why don't you use those unused Military Log Points to build your self mining ships!
How to mine? Go to „Viewscreen” tab, click on „Resources”, click on „Show Data” (on the right of the screen). Here you can find the list of all high level resources spots. If there are no free asteroid spots in Solar system, try other systems, you can find there many unoccupied mining spots.
Before sending mining ship, check if there is another mining ship. If you send your ship to spot which is not free, you will decrease efficiency and profitability of mining for you and for another player.
After your mining ship has arrived to asteroid, give him following set of orders: 1. Mine Asteroid, Exotic Minerals (or some other resources) - Qty: FILL 2. Transfer Cargo, Drop-Off | All Products - Qty: ALL 3. Loop Order, Loop back to order number 1 : Infinitely
So ship will mine resources until his cargo is full, and then he will drop-off mined resources and mine again. After that, for example once per week, you need to send freighter to pick up the mined resources. Or you can give order to freighter to pick up resources on all your mining spots, drop resources at your HQ, and loop order to repeat all pick up orders.
I was never attacked by NPC on asteroid, so there is no need to send defending ship to protect your mining ship from NPC attacks (Machines, Raiders).
If some other player comes to mine at your spot, try to contact him and explain that this situation is bad for efficiency and profitability of mining for both of you. Or just find and move to some other place to mine, there are many unoccupied spots with high resource value (especially outside Solar system).
Spend all your unused Military Log Points to make mining ships, produce resource you need, and increase your profit.