General topics about Barons of the Galaxy
Situation with Warp Gates
Mariner Posts: 32
Hello everybody, Few days ago, we had a situation that someone demolished last fully upgraded Warp Gate in the Panther system. One of the goals of Proactive Guild is to provide quick access to all systems in Sector 1. And for that, we all need to have at least one active Warp Gate (at max level 10) in every system. So in future, before demolishing last Warp Gate in the system, please write message at our Local Channel, and I am sure that always one of the older players can step in, buy Warp Gate, and keep commercial routes open in Sector 1. Like it was described above, for example, situation with Naertho Warp Gate was resolved. Anyway, in this Panther situation, reaction was quick, Warp Gate is built in Panther system, and it will be upgraded to max level 10 – but it will take some time. Proactive Guild doesn’t have any other interests in Naertho or Panther system (except to keep routes open), so, if someone would like to buy Naertho or Panther Warp Gates – feel free to contact me. For serious player, I am willing to sell them at symbolic price – with a promise that buyer won’t demolish those Warp Gates. Travel safe…