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Construction Messages in this topic - RSS

Posts: 43

Posts: 43
When selecting a structure to build in the Construction tab it would be good to have information what materials a given structure needs to operate. I built Housing and only after it was completed I found out it needs water and something else.. I know things are not completed but the structures need descriptions. At the moment I have no idea whats their purpose. Consider a shipyard, why do I even need it if I can manufacture ships directly from Corporate HQ?
One more thing, when I select a structure it says: Turns: 2, Cost: 100k Per: 1000. What is "per" supposed to denote here?
edited by Kemott on 4/11/2016
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Posts: 48

Posts: 48
Per is it's upkeep every 10mins
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Doctor Dread
Doctor Dread
Posts: 1478

Doctor Dread
Doctor Dread
Posts: 1478
You're right about the list of "what components are needed". Something I want to put in this week. The only work around for that right now is to try to build that "thing" from your Corp HQ and see what the components are, then switch to those components to see what those take. The Corp HQ can make anything. I hope to make a list or grid that shows all the components of something going back to the resources themselves.

Shipyards and Bases will act as "healers" for repairing units in the same area, multiplying their repair rate. Corp HQ does not. That's new idea not displayed anywhere yet. You will want to build ships away from your Corp HQ when your CorpHQ is stuck in Sol and your operations happen to be 3 sectors away. Also, Bases and shipyards can create defenses also, so can y our corp.
The "per" is upkeep per turn
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