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Early Design Suggestions
Vaness Posts: 3
I just thought I'd chime in already, although this is probably very early in production still. I thought it might be nice if there was some sort of graphic in the galaxy map screen about whether you own something in a particular system/section/etc (Like a small ship or resource/plant icon). While you can see that from the list when something is selected, it would be a nice visual indicator to quickly find out where all your assets are located and browse there. 
I saw that there was a "Comms" section but not sure if I saw anything in particular about the chat interface yet (probably not finished yet?), so I was wondering if this would be something that could always be accessible and "real-time" in every page so you could easily chat with your guild/any player in the game after selecting a chat room without having to rely on sending "email" style messages. Maybe something that could be minimized from the view?
Having a good chat interface I think is key to helping soften any possible learning curves! Even in a game like EVE the tutorials themselves rarely get you far and you have to mostly rely on other players to explain things to you. (And in a way, it makes the community better through helping people)
I was also wondering about the "expansion" mechanic! Can you see all the possible systems one could expand to at all times or are they revealed as people send exploration ships to the unknown?