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Storage Messages in this topic - RSS

Posts: 123

Posts: 123
Maybe storage buildings should be required to store stuff? This way if anything is just left in a city with no storage building anybody can just pick it up.

Might be cool to be able to salvage combat areas too.
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Doctor Dread
Doctor Dread
Posts: 1478

Doctor Dread
Doctor Dread
Posts: 1478
Building just for storage? Mmm not sure if that's necessary. I was thinking about a "Distribution Center" building though. It would have a high Buy Sell power but doesn't produce anything. It could sell anything to the local city unlike the other structures which will/should only be able to sell what they make.

I was originally thinking that the factories couldn't sell to the cities and you needed to have a transport but that seemed forced so it was changed so the buildings could sell their own product. Also since transports were made to sell products and not just move goods around the whole concept of a distribution center became unnecessary.

You can attack product lying around, it doesn't need to be in a specific building. I wouldn't want to attach products to a structure anyway.
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Posts: 48

Posts: 48
it would be good if you can say sell all of a resource, but leave x amount behind. Also be good if you coudl set a minimum price to sell at, if the price is below that it doesnt sell.
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