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Tutorial Messages in this topic - RSS

Posts: 43

Posts: 43
How about an option to skip the tut and get the money you would earn while doing it? smile
edited by Kemott on 4/25/2016
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Doctor Dread
Doctor Dread
Posts: 1478

Doctor Dread
Doctor Dread
Posts: 1478
cyb0rg wrote:
Doctor Dread wrote:

Sorry I misread that. You mean a "Skip Tutorial" button that will just hand you everything? I could hand you the money but the units and structures would be tricky. I'm leery about making it so easy to get a new Corp handed 400,000 credits in a couple of minutes. The exploit potential becomes really high. Have to keep this idea in mind

It's bad enough as it is since it's a play for free game and you can make 10000 accounts to easily make millions.
edited by cyb0rg on 4/26/2016

I've tried to mitigate this by making it difficult to move money to another account early. You might make 300k through the tutorial but then you can't transfer it to anyone until you upgrade your corp to level 2 which is a million credits. Contracts demand level 2. So you can maybe dump product at a location and have them attack it but, are you buying it at like double price? then it costs money to attack. It's not really worth it, I hope =)
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