Razorix22 Posts: 13
Hello everyone,
I have questions about the numbers on this pictures, and I can't find any answer about it :

- 6/5 : 6 Structures build on 5. 5 what ? 5 maintenance free structures I suppose ? If so, how do we increase the "5" number ? I already upgraded my HQ, but it changed only the numbers of military units.
- 5% : 5% of ?
- Same questions about the military units, and is there another way to increase it than upgrading the HQ ?
Thanks you !
Doctor Dread Administrator Posts: 1478
Logistics was added only a week or so ago as a new feature, there is no real info on it yet.
The first number is the Max you can have before a penalty, the second number is how many you currently have, the % in parentheses is the penalty to the cost per turn you are taking on ALL your Structures/Military. If it shows 10% penalty for your military , they are all costing 10% more a turn. On structures it is added to the other bonuses as a penalty much like Overcrowding. If your bonus there is in the negative it makes it cost that much more, if the total bonus is positive it reduces the cost by dividing it by (1.0 + percentage). 100% bonus on a structure reduces the cost by half>
The max should go up when you upgrade your Corp HQ, if it's not (I haven't hit a level 2 corp on the live server yet) it's a bug of some sort that I will look into tonight. edited by DrDread on 4/29/2016
Razorix22 Posts: 13
Ok, I get it. Then I confirm the bug on the structure maximum, he didn't go up when I upgraded my HQ. Military units is fine it seems.  edited by Razorix22 on 4/29/2016
Kemott Posts: 12
I confirm this bug and btw please do something about my account so I have the one which is the oldest
Doctor Dread Administrator Posts: 1478
This is working now. And I had it reversed, the first number is how many you have, the second is the max. Structures max is 5 per corp hq level Military Max is 10 per corp Level
However the penalties are different. For every structure over your max you take 5% penalty on cost onto ALL YOUR STRUCTURES. With Military every unit past your max is only 1% added cost to all your military.
Masdus Posts: 68
Hmmm is this really fixed? It seemed so when I upgraded to lvl 2, but now that I have upgraded to lvl 3 my limit for structures is still 10.
Doctor Dread Administrator Posts: 1478
Masdus wrote:
Hmmm is this really fixed? It seemed so when I upgraded to lvl 2, but now that I have upgraded to lvl 3 my limit for structures is still 10.
It wasn't actually, something was missing so it wouldn't wok in certain situations. Its fixed now, your corp is corrected