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Ships VS Ground forces Messages in this topic - RSS

Posts: 68

Posts: 68
In my opinion making ground forces more expensive relative to ships does nothing to address the issues. Right now for naval battles it is decided not by whom has the bigger navy, but by whom can bring the most troops in hangers. Again logistics is just too simple a mechanic, treatig a corvette the same as a monolith and the same as a fully upgraded Armoured. The fix really would have been to make naval vessels more effective in their own domain. For an example look to battle 614.

There is a massive disconnect between how ground troopps function with their exponential growth in size and power, and how ships work. Sure it might "balance" with on going cost, but it certainly doesn't make a lot of sense that a fully upgraded "bomber and fighter defender" can't even go toe to toe with a single level 8 veritech.
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