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Mid-construction at upgrade?

If you are referring to "real time games" as in for example ogame or similar, there are no ticks of 1 second. It's all about events happening at a set time. The ships don't "move" during the time in between events (launch -> disappear - > appear at the location in set time) unlike here where they actually move across the grid each tick and can be intercepted anywhere in between the origin and destination.

Each of the methods have its up and down sides but I have doubts they can be mixed successfully as you have suggested but there are most certainly ideas that come from event based games into tick based.

The biggest downside in event based games is that there is nothing you can do in between the events. Let's say I have a fleet located at A which you want to destroy, you are bringing in your fleet from B and I notice it. I immediately send away my fleet to XYZ which is going to take 5 billion years. Even if your fleet is faster and theoretically could catch up there​ is nothing you can do apart from waiting at the arrival destination.

Resource usage should be redesigned. As of right now the only thing you can do with resources / products is to sell them off and it greatly benefits players that have more resources. If they were actually used for constructing buildings / ships or even upkeep it would improve economics significantly as players would have to trade more. As of right now trading seems more like a joke and only serves the purpose of giving money to someone in one way or another.

It seems reasonable that logistics are capped in some way but considering that the game promotes different play styles there should be ways to increase it if you really want to. Research / command centers (which could also increase firepower for units around that area) or even account wide perks would greatly benefit variety in play style rather than trying to be the biggest / best at everything at the same time. You want to produce stuff? Fair enough specialise in it and be better at production than someone who has specialised in military but he should have different advantages rather than just having more ships and less facilities.

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