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What should we work on next? 06/29

Hi Seren,

all of the above sound great, as discussed in other threads .. yet still, what about improving the guide or develop some kind of manual - note the frequency of inquiries by new players. Veteran players are somewhat mentoring newcomers at present, which is really great from a social point of view, but I wonder if this will always be the case .. the more game diversity like the ones in this post are offered the more questions will be asked by new players.

Now about what next, I suppose the pirates project in line with the mercenary approach could be prioritized, if only just because of the many conflicts between commercial and military oriented players are having right now.
Then, I suggest the Warp Gates, these should be owned by the players with the help of some sort of shareholding system based on their financial participation in building them or their contribution of materials/components/transport etc .. where using the gates would be for a fee, having upkeep costs for maintenance and such,where then neglected warp gates could also fall apart or be less efficient (read deficient, like you'd be directed to a wrong destination) or simply stop working until repaired or reactivated (again, with the help of financial and/or material means).

In my opinion orbital guns would bring a too great military unbalance at first, as not so many players or guilds are strong enough to take down such a defense in case it should come to that - this might be a project when inter-galactic conflicts have a reason to come to be ..
So, Starbases could follow warp gates (or the other way around for a start in Solar), starbases as alternative commerce centers, special contracts agencies (bounty for pirates, mercenary offers etc ..) and perhaps repair/maintenance/service spots where ships could receive accelerated repairs.

That is how I see it ..
edited by LaSmala on 6/29/2017

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