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Multi-Accounts (Alts)

A possible solution would be to have a High Court in each solar System which would be lead by a judge who is the highest ranking player in the system. Rank would be determined by Star Lord, Emperor, Mayor and in case of a tie then the titled player with the largest population. The player in question could hire an attorney to represent him or may represent himself. Evidence would be placed in this forum by the accusing party. Evidence to the contrary would be place by the player and/or his attorney. They will make their arguments. The community may discuss the evidence for a period of time at the end of which the judge will render a verdict and punishment if indicated.

Eventually, this could be supported by the game mechanics as the dev has already indicated such.
It would allow both parties to present their case.
If the judge is biased and renders an unfair opinion he may be voted out of office for his lack of objectivity.
It does place more responsibility on paid players but for the price of 2 lattes per month anyone could be a paid player.
This would be a good way to encourage people to support the game by buying a subscription.
Eventually, the High Court could be used to render opinions on other matters.
Multi-Accounts (Alts)

I think this will be great! It will lead to exciting and interesting stories.
edited by RojaxLyon on 9/4/2017
Multi-Accounts (Alts)

A certain amount of conflict is necessary to make games, novels, movies exciting and interesting. If there is no conflict it is boring. If there is too much conflict then it is overwhelming.

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