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Legacy Accords News

Sanctioned Demolition Results in Thousands Killed
Turn 119388

Peace Corp Bombers en route to Karachi

KARACHI, EARTH, SOL SYSTEM: Recent reports have indicated that Safehold Corp’s infrastructure, though small, was eradicated in a swift strike in the city of Karachi. The attack came from a fellow guildmate of ARK, Peace Corps, and resulted in the deaths of over 160,000 Terran Citizens. Terran Defense systems were also destroyed in the attack.

Peace Corp was originally unavailable for comment, but a follow up was given stating that he was "just helping a guildmate".

I reached out to Cayleb Ahrmahk, CEO of Safehold Corp, asking what caused this attack. “This was nothing other than a precision demolition of my old Corporate Headquarters. It was time for a fresh start.” When pressed on the loss of life and defense systems this demolition caused, he assured me the numbers were simply “overstated”.

Jonathan Ferox, Emperor of Earth, also stated that the demolition was sanctioned by the Emperor and SO. The actions of Peace Corp are not interpreted as an act of war, though it “surely demonstrates the power of the star lord”.

Exploring the Truth as Always,
Monica Church
edited by bakonlord on 1/18/2022
Legacy Accords News

London Charter Sparks Change
Turn 119621

London City Skyline

The Ruler of London, Saint Fisti, has recently made changes to the Charter that governs the city. London has seen its population grow exponentially over the last several months, and perhaps there are simply too many things the citizens of London require for Saint Fisti to provide Services AND everything else that they need to prosper.

Civilian Services have always been a prized commodity that Rulers have supplied to their cities. Whether it be for the lucrative profits that can be attained from doing so, or as a way of showing complete control over the city; this will no longer be the case in London.

Effective immediately, Saint Fisti is searching for up and coming Corporations to outsource the needs of Civilain Services on to anothers back. Saint Fisti assures that the Corporation is still in good financial standing, the need to restructure is simply due to better meeting the needs of the citizens that they serve.

Exploring the Truth as Always,
Monica Church

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