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Spawning Terran controlled city in new systems Messages in this topic - RSS

Create a Terran controlled city in new star systems?

Yes, create a safe city in new systems:7
No, let the market and players make it happen:3
Doctor Dread
Doctor Dread
Posts: 1478

Doctor Dread
Doctor Dread
Posts: 1478
We have this idea of spawning a large Terran Federation controlled city in every new star system that becomes available. Probably pick the largest group of resources in the most earth like world in the system and spawn a city on it. It might be regulated in the same way the Sol cities are. A somewhat safe and stable city that you are guaranteed to be able to sell some products too. Perhaps it still has an election after some time, a week, and once it is taken over it become a normal city.

This is being done to alleviate the problem of getting the first city or two going in a new star system. Its just an idea but we like to hear feedback on it.
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Posts: 57

Posts: 57
that would be pretty handy for when your city starts to get out of control with demand, you can buy what you need to keep it growing without having to ship it all from sol or try to manufacture too many things. With the current playerbase it's super hard to keep demand down. We have maybe 5 corps out here?
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Doctor Dread
Doctor Dread
Posts: 1478

Doctor Dread
Doctor Dread
Posts: 1478
We were also thinking of making a "Recession" static event that kicks in when a city which has high demand almost on everything and it's population is collapsing into small number. This recession event would force al the demand to drop sharply to about 100 and then go away putting it back into positive growth. That would essentially "reset" the city as if it was new again without disturbing the industry that is there and give them another chunk of time to get it supplied before it stars to crash again. It's sort of an emergency fallback for cities that fail for whatever reason.

Another idea is to only open up the first tier of demand categories on small cities. All the resource products for example. Then when the city becomes sustained on those and grows a little bit, the components open up and then the End Products. Either they cant be sold at all or , a better idea, the demand for those items doesn't go up at all until the population increases. That way you wouldn't have to worry about them until the city grows
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Posts: 57

Posts: 57
I like those ideas, & that second idea makes a lot of sense. New settlers would be more worried about getting the basics than trying to get supercars & exotic decor. Another option could be to have a few of the end products open up earlier that make sense; such as basic clothing/shoes etc.
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Doctor Dread
Doctor Dread
Posts: 1478

Doctor Dread
Doctor Dread
Posts: 1478
We just implemented the restricted demand increase idea because it was quick and easy. It's explained in the development forum. Only tier 1 products (from resources) increase in demand when the city is below 2 million population, At 2 million pop the tier 2 Component categories start increasing in demand as normal, at 3 million the tier 3 Civilian services kick in and at 5mil+ the End Products kick in which are now called tier 4
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Posts: 36

Posts: 36
I agree and makes sense. In the Sol System I think Cities should be able to be increase in levels but will not decrease in levels to what they are now. Example Los Angles Madrid London should never drop below Lvl 5, Where Sydney should not drop below level 3 but can increase to level 5 especially when this game does open up to everyone and hope you have 1500 barons playing hopefully more I think the Sol System will grow until the Barons make their own claims on the frontier (other systems). To gain power.
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Posts: 36

Posts: 36
The other choice is to have Large Terran Federation City for each System or planet for Sector 1 only then it up to the barons to make it happen.
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