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Posts: 35

Posts: 35
Currently I can sell raw materials at about 100 units each with demand hovering around 100-120. Or I can combine 10 of those raw materials and make a component that sells for about 300 each thus losing 700 units on each component I sell? If it takes 10 raw materials to make one component shouldn't the price of that component for similar demand be a little more than ten times the raw material price or about 1000? The way it is now there is no way to buy the raw materials you need to produce a component for sale. You are forced to produce your own raw materials.

Same problem exists between components and end goods -- 10 components at around 300 each combine to sell as a end product at around 600?

Has this been brought up before? Is this a bug or just encouragement to supply raw materials for now? Or much more likely am I just misunderstanding everything?
edited by Rujholla on 8/15/2016
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Doctor Dread
Doctor Dread
Posts: 1478

Doctor Dread
Doctor Dread
Posts: 1478
Basing everything at 100 demand. You're taking 10 units worth of raw resource (a low average resource value) which you got from running a factory at 1,000 credits a turn (that assumes no tech no corp located there) then running them through a component factory for another 1,000 credits to produce 10 units of a component worth 250 each or 2,500 total.

Run those 10 component units through an end product factory for an other 1,000 (You've spend 3,000 so far) and you have 10 units of end product worth 500 each, or 5,000 credits.

Of course you need 10 units from "various" sources to make components and you need "various" types of components to make end products but you're also not mining a resource at a value of 10, most likely 12-14, and you are not running the factories at 1,000 a turn, more like 700-800 because of your tech and or corporation present. You should be profitable.

For example, I'm making a selling a lot of Wheat on earth and making a lot of money doing it. I also starting mining a Basic Woods and Basic Metal and BOUGHT a small amount of Basic polymer (needs 1 per) to run a Toy Factory making Board Games and I'm making a lot of money doing it.

It's not easy to make end products profitable unless you gear your entire corporation towards mining only the resources and components needed to run an end product factory. And even then, if the price drop on your end product, because you're selling a lot of it, and the price goes up on the components because you're buying a lot of it, you're profits are going to collapse. Ideally you team up with other corporation through contracts that are already making comps or resources you need very cheaplly
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Posts: 35

Posts: 35
I'm not saying you can't be profitable. I'm making pretty good money on raw materials on Mars. If you source everything yourself you will be profitable, especially so if you have your corporate specialty in those raw materials. But, if the demand for the raw materials is the same as the demand for the components you will make more money selling the raw materials.

Does that seem right to you?
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Posts: 35

Posts: 35
Ok I was wrong!

I was thinking that the 10 units of raw materials that you combine produced 1 component, but they produce 10 components. Sorry for the misunderstanding.
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