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Vote for what to develop next 9/8/2016 Messages in this topic - RSS

What feature should we work on next

Distribution Center:8
Copy/Saving Orders List:9
Asset Screen Consumption Mode:3
Selling Military Units to other players:1
Battle/Comms notification via email:0
Trading Tools Reporting:1
Speed up the tutorial:0
Mobile friendlier interface:2
Doctor Dread
Doctor Dread
Posts: 1478

Doctor Dread
Doctor Dread
Posts: 1478
So our Kickstarter has been funded and with the addition of the artifact effects the major features of the game are in place, granted they are slim on content but they are in place. From now on most the development is going to revolve around quality of life type improvements and interface changes to the game. Then we'll start adding more content, in the form of event mainly. Below are the most common requests for changes we've seen, you can all vote on what you would like to see first and we'll try to work on them in order. This is outside of bug fixes which we work on when we can:
Distribution Center - Make a structure that produces nothing but can sell multiple products at once from the location. This enables you to send freighters to drop various products at a location and then leave without having to wait around to sell them. Being able to adjust the sell rates according the displayed demand and volume of your products in one place. Upping the level of the distribution center allows more product types to be sold at once and at a higher buy sell power.

Copy/Saving Orders List - Once you have a set of orders for a unit in place you can "save" them to a list much like a bookmark and then apply it to another unit. Might also be able to have a few default order templates on your list for a generic "Transfer, move, sell, move back, loop" set of orders to choose from.

Asset Screen Consumption Mode - Take away the search dropdowns/filters on the asset screen and replace with a set of "modes" you can set the asset list to. The default Overview mode will be what is there now but you can have a Production Mode which breaks up the list by location and has a total amount of products your factories are consuming at that location. Essentially re-arrange the list to show information in a way that is better suited for managing your factories and product movement.

Selling Military Units to other players - This was a feature intended for Contracts but never made yet. You would have to deliver military units to a location for money or vice versa via contract. Probably only one shot deals on units that already exist that you can select.

Battle/Comms notification via email - An interface on a new Corporate >> Settings tab that allows you to select the type of comm messages to send to an email address and how frequently to send them. You can declare Battle messages or perhaps Broadcast Comm messages, event messages etc. Please note that most mobile carriers have an email address that you can send texts to and it will send to your phone for free such a (number)@vtext.com for Verizon. You would be able to be notified of battles within minutes of them happening. The automatic messages and links would be adjusted to work better on mobiles.

Trading Tools Reporting - The Corporate >> Reporting tab will be created and a couple of reports made to help to in common game needs such as "Find the highest value of X resource in Y planet with no more than Z amount of existing industry. And "Graph the sell price of X product in every city of Y system over the last week"

Speed up the tutorial - Try to make the units spawn faster or instantly, not take two turns to construct etc.

Mobile friendlier interface- Not necessarily an entire new mobile version (which we plan to try sometime down the line) but at least make the view screen work and optimize the pages for better load times.
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Posts: 390

Posts: 390
Quick question - Would the distribution center be an industry or military logistics structure or something else?
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Doctor Dread
Doctor Dread
Posts: 1478

Doctor Dread
Doctor Dread
Posts: 1478
Vulpex wrote:
Quick question - Would the distribution center be an industry or military logistics structure or something else?

Good Question. Structure Logistics for sure. Probably same logistics cost as other structures. Might up the logistics per level or maybe increase the starting logistics amount by another 15 (so you can max out at 120) if we incorporate them.

I imagine they can sell one product type at level 1 and +1 type every level up to 10. Their BS power will be bigger than a normal structures at least 2x. Having a level 10 dist. center is some serious product moving around
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Posts: 35

Posts: 35
Oh man please don't so severely limit how many items a distribution center can sell. And having them count against logistics cap -- it would be better to go back to having a bunch of transports.
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Doctor Dread
Doctor Dread
Posts: 1478

Doctor Dread
Doctor Dread
Posts: 1478
Rujholla wrote:
Oh man please don't so severely limit how many items a distribution center can sell. And having them count against logistics cap -- it would be better to go back to having a bunch of transports.

We could start them at level 1 with say 6 types to sell at once +1 per level they can max at level 10 with 15 types and a lot of BS power per. I can't imagine anyone needing a level 10 dist center unless the city is massive and you're into a dozen products
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Posts: 390

Posts: 390
Lets see...

Expensive Jewelry
Personal Droids
Cyber ware
Basic woods
Basic chemicals
Industrial chemicals
Basic metals
Precious metals
Radioactive metals
Rare Minerals
Exotic chemicals
Exotic metals....

Ok that's 14 but I do sometimes sell intermediate products. Now all I need is a HUGE city in Gulyaev ;p
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Doctor Dread
Doctor Dread
Posts: 1478

Doctor Dread
Doctor Dread
Posts: 1478
Vulpex wrote:
Lets see...

Expensive Jewelry
Personal Droids
Cyber ware
Basic woods
Basic chemicals
Industrial chemicals
Basic metals
Precious metals
Radioactive metals
Rare Minerals
Exotic chemicals
Exotic metals....

Ok that's 14 but I do sometimes sell intermediate products. Now all I need is a HUGE city in Gulyaev ;p

You research points much be all over the place =)

On second thought there is a problem with starting a distribution center at 6 slots then going +1 per level, it would be better to make more of them as opposed to leveling them up. Need to make the increase at least the same as the starting number. Might have to start with 1 then go something like 1,3,5,8,12,16, 20, 25, 35, 50. or maybe 5,10,15,20,25,30,25,40,45,50.
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Posts: 390

Posts: 390
Research points are assigned to metals / chemicals / Gadgets etc... actually in the middle of redistributing them but ahem... yes. All over the place.
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Posts: 22

Posts: 22
Another option is to make the cost of running a distribution center scale differently than production buildings. Say a base one with 6 sell slots costs 1k a turn and only increase by 100-200 per level from there.
Also having them increase sell slots by 2 would be fine as well.
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Posts: 35

Posts: 35
If it uses logistic points at all -- it is going to be easier to just have a lvl 1 or 2 transport sitting in the city per item you are selling with orders to pick up one turn and sell the next a certain amount. Depending on how much you are selling of the item. It is much easier to spare the 1 or 2 points military than logistic points.
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Doctor Dread
Doctor Dread
Posts: 1478

Doctor Dread
Doctor Dread
Posts: 1478
Rujholla wrote:
If it uses logistic points at all -- it is going to be easier to just have a lvl 1 or 2 transport sitting in the city per item you are selling with orders to pick up one turn and sell the next a certain amount. Depending on how much you are selling of the item. It is much easier to spare the 1 or 2 points military than logistic points.

It has to cost something logistically or you can put one in every city in the game. I thought the whole point of a distribution center was so you wouldn't have to have a transport or ship sitting around selling products, they cost logistics also. For the 1-2 points of logistics you can have a structure that can sell several different products at once at a steady rate that won't drop the price if you wanted. We can make the structure have the ability to scale its selling based on the cities volume and also not sell down to a certain amount so your factories can use some of the components.

The only alternative I can think of is to make "distribution" it's own logistics stat just for these structures but that seems a little crazy when it can just be another structure.

I do have this idea of making the Corp HQ points you spend on product efficiency can also be used to up your logistics caps. So if you wanted to be a heavy military guy you can move your corp towards that or a purely industrial guy you can move your points towards that also. At that point we might as well make all your logistics stats be based on CorpHQ points.
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Posts: 390

Posts: 390
Honestly it might simply be easier if structures got a second buy/sell slot at a certain point - i.e. once you get a lvl 6 structure you get a second buy/sell slot (maybe this should be limited to second and third tier structures?) I understand that there needs to be a practical limitation in terms of logistics points on these distribution systems but I cannot think of any instance where such a limitation would make it worthwhile over buidling another production facility.

I have to say I don't really have problems selling stuff - my main problem is getting stuff to a market to actually sell, that's the challenge!
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Doctor Dread
Doctor Dread
Posts: 1478

Doctor Dread
Doctor Dread
Posts: 1478
Vulpex wrote:
Honestly it might simply be easier if structures got a second buy/sell slot at a certain point - i.e. once you get a lvl 6 structure you get a second buy/sell slot (maybe this should be limited to second and third tier structures?) I understand that there needs to be a practical limitation in terms of logistics points on these distribution systems but I cannot think of any instance where such a limitation would make it worthwhile over buidling another production facility.

I have to say I don't really have problems selling stuff - my main problem is getting stuff to a market to actually sell, that's the challenge!

One of the tricks to the game seems to be NOT to produce as much as you can but rather make sure you can move everything you are making =)

It seems a distribution center at even low level would be well worth the logistics if you are having the problem of 10 different transports trying to dump onto a single city we can make them more or less powerful until they are worthwhile.
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Doctor Dread
Doctor Dread
Posts: 1478

Doctor Dread
Doctor Dread
Posts: 1478
Distribution Centers are in the game now. 10 Slots each one has the structures BS power which scales with level like normal structures but capped at only 10 slots. Could increase the slots with level maybe, see how it goes. This change in the back end also makes it possible for normal structures to have more than one slot if we wanted. We'll see how it goes.

We're looking into making a "hold" amount on sells so it won't sell out your factory components if you have a factory at location but we want that to expand to transports transfer cargo orders as well.

We'll be trying to add Copy/Save Transport orders this week
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Posts: 390

Posts: 390
Yay! Which reminds me I was wondering about orders but maybe that's a different thread...
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