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mercury_7 infinite demand on supercar Messages in this topic - RSS

Posts: 13

Posts: 13
demand for supercars on mercury_7 doesn't seems to ever lower
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Doctor Dread
Doctor Dread
Posts: 1478

Doctor Dread
Doctor Dread
Posts: 1478
RedCircle wrote:
demand for supercars on mercury_7 doesn't seems to ever lower

Wow what a fascinating exploit this was! =)

So if you or anyone else BUYs supercars the price goes up and if you are anyone sells them the price goes down appropriate to how much you buy or sell, this is in addition to a default 0.1 % rise all demand does normally.

XarCorp and you are selling supercars in Mercury_7 but there is a "Capital Goods" Corp in Mercury_7 who has a freighter BUYing 5k supercars a turn and then dumping them at location. That is why the price is pegging at maximum. He is buying more than you are selling.

HOWEVER that freighter isn't actually buying any supercars because the Corp its in cannot afford the 25 million to do it. The buy attempt is tracked but flagged with a failure code. The BUG is that the part of the code that reads how much was bought/Sold to adjust the Demand is not checking that flag so it's considering the ATTEMPT at buying 5k Supercars and adding it to the calculation. You could of made 100 freighters attempt to buy max cargo of every product and all the prices would skyrocket even though they weren't actually buying anything.

Capital Goods looks like a burner corporation and this is all its doing so another corporation, either YOU or XarCorp can exploit it.

The problem has been corrected and the price of Supercars in Mercury_7 is falling a few points a turn now. There are a few other locations that seem to of had this situation also.
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Posts: 390

Posts: 390
Sneaky ... thanks to Redcircle for reporting this. It can be quite unbalancing if left unchecked.... question Dr. D would this have worked in the reverse? I am sure I left by mistake a facility trying to sell stacks of goods per turn that were no longer available and it would explain rock bottom prices on some things. It's interesting to see how cities are cycling around going up and down in the population cycle.
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Doctor Dread
Doctor Dread
Posts: 1478

Doctor Dread
Doctor Dread
Posts: 1478
Vulpex wrote:
Sneaky ... thanks to Redcircle for reporting this. It can be quite unbalancing if left unchecked.... question Dr. D would this have worked in the reverse? I am sure I left by mistake a facility trying to sell stacks of goods per turn that were no longer available and it would explain rock bottom prices on some things. It's interesting to see how cities are cycling around going up and down in the population cycle.

It did work both ways. I find the "traffic" around the planets in Sol System fun. If you look at Sol in the viewscreen and then do Military tab. You can see all the traffic moving around. Same thing when you zoom out between star systems
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