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Posts: 2

Posts: 2
Good day. I would like to donate some money to the project, but not in time for the company on Kickstarter. And in a reference to "PayPal.Me" I saw a nasty inscription "PayPal.Me is not available in your country." .
At present the PayPal company has allowed the registration in 18 countries: Australia, Austria, Belgium, Britain, Germany, Denmark, Spain, Italy, Canada, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Russia, USA, Turkey, France, Switzerland, and Sweden.
For example, I live in Ukraine. This means I can not help the project?
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Doctor Dread
Doctor Dread
Posts: 1478

Doctor Dread
Doctor Dread
Posts: 1478
TheZvir wrote:
Good day. I would like to donate some money to the project, but not in time for the company on Kickstarter. And in a reference to "PayPal.Me" I saw a nasty inscription "PayPal.Me is not available in your country." .
At present the PayPal company has allowed the registration in 18 countries: Australia, Austria, Belgium, Britain, Germany, Denmark, Spain, Italy, Canada, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Russia, USA, Turkey, France, Switzerland, and Sweden.
For example, I live in Ukraine. This means I can not help the project?

I'm sorry PayPal isn't available in the Ukraine, We would consider using another method since we are getting a lot of requests from other countries that don't accept PayPal also. What form of online payment is popular in the Ukraine?

You can actually use "Western Union" to send money directly to me but it costs at least $10 to send anything. If you're interested in using Western Union I'll contact you directly and give you my information.

Also, The artist I'm using to make the ship designs just happens to live in the Ukraine also, can ask what city you are in? =)
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Posts: 2

Posts: 2
Doctor Dread wrote:
TheZvir wrote:
Good day. I would like to donate some money to the project, but not in time for the company on Kickstarter. And in a reference to "PayPal.Me" I saw a nasty inscription "PayPal.Me is not available in your country." .
At present the PayPal company has allowed the registration in 18 countries: Australia, Austria, Belgium, Britain, Germany, Denmark, Spain, Italy, Canada, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Russia, USA, Turkey, France, Switzerland, and Sweden.
For example, I live in Ukraine. This means I can not help the project?

I'm sorry PayPal isn't available in the Ukraine, We would consider using another method since we are getting a lot of requests from other countries that don't accept PayPal also. What form of online payment is popular in the Ukraine?

You can actually use "Western Union" to send money directly to me but it costs at least $10 to send anything. If you're interested in using Western Union I'll contact you directly and give you my information.

Also, The artist I'm using to make the ship designs just happens to live in the Ukraine also, can ask what city you are in? =)

Well, the most popular systems for payments in the CIS, I see often used in games, a payment system "xsolla" (https://xsolla.com/) There are all sorts of systems, and those that are popular in Ukraine, too.
In Ukraine is very much a flooded the market Privatbank. And nearly all online stores use its online banking system Privat24.
I myself when working with foreign games often use PayPal. (True, this only works for shopping. I can not get money through PauPal.) The problem is not with the PayPal, but with the service paypal.me .
(It is also popularly (but I personally do not really like) WebMoney.)

I live in the capital of Ukraine Kiev city)
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