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Executing saved order list buggy Messages in this topic - RSS

Posts: 20

Posts: 20
I created a profitable trader/freighter:
1) Move to city
2) Buy,
3) Move to other city,
4) Sell,
5) Loop to 1

Saved that order list, and put it into three other freighters.
Now the other freighters get sometime the message: "Land unit trying to cross into space."
The unit is not on the direct path between both cities anymore.
It then moves to the next order step, and tries to buy from the spot it is standing on (but there is actually no city there). It remains on that order, giving each turn the message:"No city at location"

I think that when restoring a saved order list, the steps are not duplicated, but only referenced.

Another strange behaviour was when I used the restored order list, but only changed the type of good in the "Buy goods" statement: The freighter was happily travelling to both cities, but did never actually buy stuff. No error is shown whatsover in this case.
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Doctor Dread
Doctor Dread
Posts: 1478

Doctor Dread
Doctor Dread
Posts: 1478
I know that the Loop orders are having a problem when loaded because they reference another order that no longer exists. Something I'm working on. I don't know where the strange movement orders are coming from yet Most people aren't having a problem with it which means its happening in an uncommon situation that I haven't seen yet. I have to look into it.
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