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ACP Structure Buildings Bug (costing me a lot) Messages in this topic - RSS

Posts: 61

Posts: 61
Somehow I have a whole bunch of ACP structure buildings at Saturn 3.They claim they're fortifications under subtext but their names are all "(ACP) Structure". I know I didn't make these, (and I definintely didn't have 20 ACP structure items laying around) so I honestly have no idea where they came from, but now my military logistics went from just under my max to 100 points over my max so all my military is double cost. Please take a look and remove these buildings. Again I have no idea what triggered them to pop up so unfortunately I can't advise how to reproduce the issue

Edit: Yes I know I can just salvage them all, but I figured you'd want to actually look at it before I remove them to help determine where they came from
edited by Orexis on 1/22/2017
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