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Operating cost and Player market Messages in this topic - RSS

Posts: 47

Posts: 47
1.Operating cost for Transport and Freighter, A lower cost for operation if the units are idle in cities, and even lower when they stationed in the city where your HQ is or your guilds HQ's, this idea is just a wild guess, since I was thinking they are not really like military units like others that have to be on constant standby to react, and I'm like fully charging for their operating cost while hey are just idle in my HQ for example. (just a random idea)

2.Player market where you can sell unwanted military units or just sell units for profit or items, main idea for this is a Military Market to sell your units on instead of salvaging them.
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Doctor Dread
Doctor Dread
Posts: 1478

Doctor Dread
Doctor Dread
Posts: 1478
BaronOfThGalaxy wrote:
1.Operating cost for Transport and Freighter, A lower cost for operation if the units are idle in cities, and even lower when they stationed in the city where your HQ is or your guilds HQ's, this idea is just a wild guess, since I was thinking they are not really like military units like others that have to be on constant standby to react, and I'm like fully charging for their operating cost while hey are just idle in my HQ for example. (just a random idea)

2.Player market where you can sell unwanted military units or just sell units for profit or items, main idea for this is a Military Market to sell your units on instead of salvaging them.

The idea of having all your units cost less if they have no orders or are waiting is something that will probably show up.

You can salvage your units, or if you likeyou can sell them through contract. Put up a contract on a unit for anyone to buy.
edited by DrDread on 1/23/2017
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Posts: 47

Posts: 47
That's right, I forget about contracts, that will work out
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