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Reduce impact of high demand on population growth Messages in this topic - RSS

Posts: 20

Posts: 20
An example with raw materials:
Basic Minerals 36.1 36 803
Exotic Minerals 589.6 589 803
Precious Minerals 53.6 53 800

Although I'm providing quite a lot of stuff and even selling without much profit, the very high demand of Exotic Minerals does negate all my efforts regarding population growth.

Regarding population growth, I'd like to have Max(DemandDiff, 200) per good. Or at least Max(DemandDiff, 400).
That way, the very high demand of one single product does not have such a big impact.

I think that the summed up view (all minerals)in the viewscreen should show keep the absolute value - the main reason to look at these values is to detect profitable trades/production.
But for growth calcuation, I'd like a lessend impact of missing goods.

Another way to reach that goal would be to reduce maximum demand to 600%.
Reduce demand growth - just like the reduced growth of population (-1% per million) - would also solve it. That way, it will take much longer to reach 1000%, giving other players time to seize the oppurtunity and make a good profit at the location.
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Doctor Dread
Doctor Dread
Posts: 1478

Doctor Dread
Doctor Dread
Posts: 1478
Skratti wrote:
An example with raw materials:
Basic Minerals 36.1 36 803
Exotic Minerals 589.6 589 803
Precious Minerals 53.6 53 800

Although I'm providing quite a lot of stuff and even selling without much profit, the very high demand of Exotic Minerals does negate all my efforts regarding population growth.

Regarding population growth, I'd like to have Max(DemandDiff, 200) per good. Or at least Max(DemandDiff, 400).
That way, the very high demand of one single product does not have such a big impact.

I think that the summed up view (all minerals)in the viewscreen should show keep the absolute value - the main reason to look at these values is to detect profitable trades/production.
But for growth calcuation, I'd like a lessend impact of missing goods.

Another way to reach that goal would be to reduce maximum demand to 600%.
Reduce demand growth - just like the reduced growth of population (-1% per million) - would also solve it. That way, it will take much longer to reach 1000%, giving other players time to seize the oppurtunity and make a good profit at the location.

... You know you can literally BUY Exotic Minerals at any other city for maybe 400 if the demand is at 200 and sell it to your city. You would fix the problem AND make a big profit. If you find a city where someone else is regularly selling the demand of Exotic Minerals down into the 30s, like you are doing with the other resources, you can make a HUUUGE profit. You don't even have to make it an endless loop, just a huge buy/sell of 5000 in a freighter will drop the demand by a lot

The biggest players in the game right now literally do not produce anything. they just buy and sell and their corps are worth over a billion
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Then my problem does arise because the city is still too big.

As soon as population drop to 2mio and trading volume is at about ~200, providing stuff with freighters might be an option.
At the moment, I think I need 800 goods (thats the average trading volume in the city) to let demand drop by 1%. To get it from 600 to 200, would require 400 x 800 = 320.000 goods. A bit too much to carry by freighters.
Or perhaps I just miscalculated demand chanhge...
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Doctor Dread
Doctor Dread
Posts: 1478

Doctor Dread
Doctor Dread
Posts: 1478
Then my problem does arise because the city is still too big.

As soon as population drop to 2mio and trading volume is at about ~200, providing stuff with freighters might be an option.
At the moment, I think I need 800 goods (thats the average trading volume in the city) to let demand drop by 1%. To get it from 600 to 200, would require 400 x 800 = 320.000 goods. A bit too much to carry by freighters.
Or perhaps I just miscalculated demand chanhge...

These aren't "your" cities. You aren't expected to cultivate cities into prosperity like a 4x game. Taking a loss on everything to get a city going is not the goal =)

The prosperity of the city is a result of the supply and demand that happens in the game. The game mechanic is that as you and others buy and sell effectively in a city, more and more volume and types of buying and selling show up with the increased population.

There shouldn't be any reason to actually leave Sol System until it is more profitable to do so, not because you want your own city. The resource values alone make it more profitable to mine out there but that is countered by the distance and not having any cities to sell to nearby.

There are too many cities in Sol right now so its difficult to leave because there is so much demand. Its a forced thing that is difficult to balance . To be honest I am considering incorporating the exact same rules outside of sol for Sol itself. That means the game would literally start with one city per planet in Sol and new cities can form when the population is high enough.

All players would literally be operating and selling to a single city and that one city would definitely get supplied naturally and the new cities would form out of increased industry on the higher resources like it should.

It seems to extreme though and new players would have a hard time planting anywhere. I might end up making a handful of Sanctuary cities that are Terran fed controlled and never collapse and allow new cities inside of Sol also. The reason to leave would be for the resource values would be pretty low in Sol
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