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I Think my battle broke the game Messages in this topic - RSS

Posts: 61

Posts: 61
The error happened the turn after I attacked, so chances are it was caused by the battle or results of the battle.

Things that may have to do with it:

1) Nanite Swarm active during the attack (This has been true before though and no issues)

2) A fleet of ships attacking while a separate carrier with fighters/bombers also attacking (The battle seems to have been calculated correctly however, and all my ships were engaged so not sure if this has anything to do with it)

3) War reparations event already ongoing on the planet. It's possible the damage I did is trying to be added to the current reparations event and is bugging out or maybe the damage caused was supposed to be added as a new war reparations event but the current ongoing one conflicted? Something like that

4) The only other thing I can think of different than any other combat I've had, is that a few of my bombers now have the particle beam upgrade. The fighters with steel plating upgrade had previously fought in a battle with no issues.
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