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Kaiju dissapeared after being attacked Messages in this topic - RSS

Posts: 61

Posts: 61
I had a fleeting waiting for the Kaiju on Odegard V to wake up and a recurring attack order ongoing. When the creature awoke, the fleet attacked as expected, and the battle report looked normal, but then I noticed a second battle report on the same turn from the Kaiju attacking the area. Looking at that battle report, it was the exact same (all ships showing as taking the same damage, not additional damage, as my attack, just with the sides reversed. I didn't think much of it and figured the battles would recur the next turn and go on until the Kaiju was dead, but nothing happened. I then looked at the location and the Kaiju was gone, nowhere on the entire planet. I think maybe both battles happened simultaneously and since it took over 50% damage from one battle, it likely died - my units show as taking damage from both battles as well so I'm fairly sure this is what happened. The odd thing is, I didn't get any reward or anything, probably because in each battle neither actually shows the Kaiju as "destroyed", so neither probably triggered the reward event but since the Kaiju had negative health it died or disappeared or something. Might want to take a look at bugs like this that could happen if two sides attack each other on the same turn
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