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Inconsistent results from Pickup *Everything* Messages in this topic - RSS

Posts: 61

Posts: 61
Ive been having some issues with setting my freighters to pick up all resources from locations that are actively producing or buying more than one resource. Sometimes they will make one pickup attempt per resource and move on as i want them to, while other times they will sit.and pickup the same resource every turn as its produced until the cargo bay is full. This is very tough to deal with as it greatly delays all transporting and is especially painful when two or more units with the same routes get stuck on the same city. I just had two warp freighters sitting in a city together waiting to fill up 500,000 units combined where i was buying at less that 1k units per turn :/. instead i just want them to make a single pass over each present resource and grab whats there then move on. Is this a bug or working as intended? Perhaps we could get a toggle to choose which method we want the ship to use?
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Doctor Dread
Doctor Dread
Posts: 1478

Doctor Dread
Doctor Dread
Posts: 1478
Orexis wrote:
Ive been having some issues with setting my freighters to pick up all resources from locations that are actively producing or buying more than one resource. Sometimes they will make one pickup attempt per resource and move on as i want them to, while other times they will sit.and pickup the same resource every turn as its produced until the cargo bay is full. This is very tough to deal with as it greatly delays all transporting and is especially painful when two or more units with the same routes get stuck on the same city. I just had two warp freighters sitting in a city together waiting to fill up 500,000 units combined where i was buying at less that 1k units per turn :/. instead i just want them to make a single pass over each present resource and grab whats there then move on. Is this a bug or working as intended? Perhaps we could get a toggle to choose which method we want the ship to use?

I believe the code will attempt to fill the cargo bay (or whatever limit you set) and will remain on that order until it "Couldn't load anything this turn" which will happen because its cargo bay is full OR there was no more cargo to lift.

What you are proposing is a flag that tells the freighter to only spend one turn (or maybe whatever number you set) loading/selling/buying before moving onto the next order regardless of what you loaded o far. That way you can make predictable round trips even if when your production or supply becomes varied.

I think that is something I can add relatively easily and I'll look into it this weekend.
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Posts: 167

Posts: 167
A way I got around this was to check the volume at the city I was buying from and set my unit to pick up 'x' amount less than total volume to ensure a steady mechanic.

Never trust anything that can think for itself if you can’t see where it keeps its brain..
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