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Machine ships - military overview Messages in this topic - RSS

Posts: 390

Posts: 390
Ok so... right now we have a MAK Mothership camped out on earth. (YES PANIC!)

That is a monolith class badass monster ship.

But if you go to the military tab overview when looking at earth, it claims that there are 0 monoliths on earth - in fact the military assets of the machines are a bit hard to spot without a bit of guesswork. Shouldn't their ships show up in the military overview like everyone else's so we can see where that nasty evil little mothership that is going to rip earth to shreds is hiding?

Just wondering.
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Doctor Dread
Doctor Dread
Posts: 1478

Doctor Dread
Doctor Dread
Posts: 1478
Vulpex wrote:
Ok so... right now we have a MAK Mothership camped out on earth. (YES PANIC!)

That is a monolith class badass monster ship.

But if you go to the military tab overview when looking at earth, it claims that there are 0 monoliths on earth - in fact the military assets of the machines are a bit hard to spot without a bit of guesswork. Shouldn't their ships show up in the military overview like everyone else's so we can see where that nasty evil little mothership that is going to rip earth to shreds is hiding?

Just wondering.

The units counts aren't counting any of the special units I think. That's a bug. There's also a problem with the military arrows ticks not getting bigger, turning more red with higher power concentrations. The event tells you exactly where the mothership is
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Posts: 67

Posts: 67
I don't know, given that the mothership is 5 times as powerful as a fully upgraded player monolith, it really kinda fits more into the "Death Star" category we can't see. :P

Walk the true path, or be trampled beneath it.
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Posts: 390

Posts: 390
Ohhh... so special units are right now kinda stealth units? Good to know... er... wait that's a bug hrmmm...
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