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Posts: 83

Posts: 83
I have my HQ at the artifact site on the moon, is there a reason why i cant put my research points towards the artifact rather than the usual resources?
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Doctor Dread
Doctor Dread
Posts: 1478

Doctor Dread
Doctor Dread
Posts: 1478
jimbobdaz wrote:
I have my HQ at the artifact site on the moon, is there a reason why i cant put my research points towards the artifact rather than the usual resources?

The Corp HQ Does not do Artifacts, only the Research Facility. There is also no tech bonus for Artifacts. It is a special resource that doesn't act like normal ones and is never easy to make in large quantities. Its not even a "product".

Although I was considering trying to make it a product which would feed another research lab that can create artifacts with it as a component. That way it can also be "raided" but then it could also be bought and sold which is something I didn't want. Artifact Demand in cities would be awkward as it is such a rare product and it would always be 1000 in most places while adversely affecting populations etc. All the products in the game are kind of balanced, artifacts would skew that. I could still make it a product that cant be bought or sold to cities, but can to other players. Something to look at in the future
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Posts: 83

Posts: 83
Thanks for the reply Dread... I agree that it should be a rare item and not traded on the market like other products, I like the idea of trading it with other players, cheers
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Posts: 390

Posts: 390
You know we can already trade the items which we get from the research ... e.g. that funky A5 dimensional ...

Being able to trade actual research points.... I dunno the effect will be marginal unless there are some very tightly constrained timed events which require some particular artifact to be researched.
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Doctor Dread
Doctor Dread
Posts: 1478

Doctor Dread
Doctor Dread
Posts: 1478
Vulpex wrote:
You know we can already trade the items which we get from the research ... e.g. that funky A5 dimensional ...

Being able to trade actual research points.... I dunno the effect will be marginal unless there are some very tightly constrained timed events which require some particular artifact to be researched.

Well if Artifacts were a product with qty and it took X amount of artifacts to create any of the artifacts types at a research lab then Artifacts as a product would be this premium thing in the game. You can give it out on quest rewards. Players can raid your artifacts for a small quantity. I would also be able to make even more special events or items that are powered by "artifacts" in some way. Since you can't even buy it from cities it has a real value. I might change artifacts to work like this in the future.
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Posts: 390

Posts: 390
Doctor Dread wrote:

Well if Artifacts were a product with qty and it took X amount of artifacts to create any of the artifacts types at a research lab then Artifacts as a product would be this premium thing in the game. You can give it out on quest rewards. Players can raid your artifacts for a small quantity. I would also be able to make even more special events or items that are powered by "artifacts" in some way. Since you can't even buy it from cities it has a real value. I might change artifacts to work like this in the future.

Ah I see, you introduce more mechanisms to make it interesting - I like the quest rewards idea etc.

But just thinking of logistics - Please don't make artifacts cost storage space. 750,000 storage gets pricey. Also, I shudder at the fleets of freighters needed to move 750,000 worth of artifacts together... 10 lvl 10 freighters maxxed out for cargo can barely manage a quarter of that.
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Posts: 83

Posts: 83
Vulpex wrote:
You know we can already trade the items which we get from the research ... e.g. that funky A5 dimensional ...

Being able to trade actual research points.... I dunno the effect will be marginal unless there are some very tightly constrained timed events which require some particular artifact to be researched.

Yeah i get that... it was that with my HQ on the moon, the only resource there is the artifact... just looking for a way to lessen the overcrowding penalty smile .Making artifact research raidable would make thing interesting lol
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