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Posts: 67

Posts: 67
The Assets display can be long and hard to find things, as there are so many Raws and components.
If raws/components were named differently it would be much easier so see what a component factory or mine should be set to produce.
Instead of Basic Chemical and Rare chemical, calling them Chemical Rare and chemical basic, then sorting alpabetically, would group each type of raw/component together.

Final product is a bit more difficult, bit if they could start with a short prefix for their group it would work well.
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Doctor Dread
Doctor Dread
Posts: 1478

Doctor Dread
Doctor Dread
Posts: 1478
Zip555 wrote:
The Assets display can be long and hard to find things, as there are so many Raws and components.
If raws/components were named differently it would be much easier so see what a component factory or mine should be set to produce.
Instead of Basic Chemical and Rare chemical, calling them Chemical Rare and chemical basic, then sorting alpabetically, would group each type of raw/component together.

Final product is a bit more difficult, bit if they could start with a short prefix for their group it would work well.

I was totally going to bring this up weeks ago =)

I'm not sure if we should format it differently or just turn the words around though

Chemical (Rare)
Chemical - Rare
Chemical Rare

I also want to change some of the big words to smaller ones like

Experimental => Neo
Advanced = >Hyper

to save space on the long names
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