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Transports picking up more than specified Messages in this topic - RSS

Posts: 276

Posts: 276
In an effort to spread products between two cities I have ordered some transports to pick up any product from city A, go to city B, drop all, then pick up 1000 units of any product and take them back you city A.

The plan here is that surpluses will be moved to distribution point B, but whatever point B has the most of will get skimmed down so A won't run out of thing B is overflowing with.

In practice the transports seem to be filling up filling up on the trip back. Not always, but I haven't been able to figure out why this happens a lot of the time.
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Posts: 276

Posts: 276
I just caught one with this active order: Pick-Up | All Products - Qty: 1000 / 2000. What I think is happening is that it dropped off 2500 Fruit, then picked up 1000 Fruit, then instead of leaving it picked up another 1000 Fruit. Is this working as intended? It doesn't seem like this is happening consistently. Some cities were building stock through this method.
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Doctor Dread
Doctor Dread
Posts: 1478

Doctor Dread
Doctor Dread
Posts: 1478
Hutton wrote:
I just caught one with this active order: Pick-Up | All Products - Qty: 1000 / 2000. What I think is happening is that it dropped off 2500 Fruit, then picked up 1000 Fruit, then instead of leaving it picked up another 1000 Fruit. Is this working as intended? It doesn't seem like this is happening consistently. Some cities were building stock through this method.

Are you saying the transport has 1000 cargo max and picked up 1000 fruit twice? its overloaded?
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Posts: 276

Posts: 276
No, it's a level 2. I want it to drop off 2500 and then pick up 1000 of whatever city B has the most of to take back to city A for a net movement of 1500 products to city B. Am I just misunderstanding how the pickup order is supposed to work? I've switched over to employing a level 1 to move products back as a workaround.
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Posts: 276

Posts: 276
Am I misunderstanding how this works? If you tell a transport to pick up X units of any product, is it supposed to fill up with multiple products or is it supposed to pick up X of the highest volume product and move on?
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Posts: 390

Posts: 390
This is interesting I'd be tempted to try a few things out to see how it is supposed to work. I've never used the pickup all : Amount option so I'm not sure how it works nor how it's supposed to work.
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Posts: 276

Posts: 276
Well, what I see happening is that if I tell it to pick up 100 of any product and the square has a ton of tobacco, it will pick up 100 tobacco for consecutive turns until full. I'm assuming that if the amount of tobacco drops below fruit, for example, it will start alternating between fruit and tobacco until the transport is full or they both drop below a third product in volume.

It doesn't seem like it always works that way. I have tried to test, but haven't been able to set aside time where I can check each step every turn so I'm don't have a complete picture.

Maybe it's working as intended, in which case I will design by supply chain with that in mind. But if it's a bug, let me know before a invest a lot of hours into a design that will break when the bug is fixed.
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Doctor Dread
Doctor Dread
Posts: 1478

Doctor Dread
Doctor Dread
Posts: 1478
I never put much thought into picking up everything.. but with a quantity limitation. So it sounds like its working without a bug, but not by design =)

It should also probably prioritize the SMALLER stack first so it doesn't alternate
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Posts: 276

Posts: 276
Well, no, don't do that. I tell a transport to pick up any product with the assumption that it will pick up whatever I have the biggest surplus of at that spot. I'm trying to design a system where the surpluss will get diverted to a satellite distribution center.

I'm not trying to get it to pick up multiple products, just whatever there is extra of, and changing it to pick up the smalllest quantities first will break my component factories by compounding shortages.

But I can work within the constraint of a system where a transport that is ordered to pick up a finite amount of "Any Product" will actually fill up because instead of picking up the finite amount instructed it will cycle through products until it's full. I just want to confirm whether or not it's going to stay that way or you are going to tinker with it.
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Doctor Dread
Doctor Dread
Posts: 1478

Doctor Dread
Doctor Dread
Posts: 1478
I dont think the quantity should be considered when picking up EVERYTHING because you are trying to pick up 12 different low ball quantities of stuff. It doesn't make any sense to pick up 100 of ANYTHING. But I won't remove it. =)
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Posts: 276

Posts: 276
No, no, that's the exact opposite of what i'm trying to do when I use that order. I use it to grab whatever is availible in the highest quantity. And the reason you pick up 100 of anything is because you also want to skim off the surplus that accumulates at the satalite distribution point o take back to the main hub, but you want the net movement to be going outward. If i tell a transport to move a full cargo hold of ANYTHING to a distribution point and then a full cargo hold back to the hub, that's just moving stuff back and forth. But if I tell it to move 2500 of ANYTHING to the distribution point and 1000 of ANYTHING back toy the hub it will be a net movement of 1500 to the distribution point with every round trip.

The reason behind this is that if ANYTHING turns out to be BEEF, and the price of beef has crashed at that market, eventually that Beef will get moved back to the hub when everything else gets sold off.
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