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Movement speed Clarification Messages in this topic - RSS

Posts: 51

Posts: 51
Hello there!

Hope you had a great weekend! So I wanted to ask about how movement speed exactly resolves and is calculated. I have a Freighter with 20 Speed. It took said freighter 2 turns to move a 10 square distance. Now the orders were

-Transfer: Pick-up
-Transfer: Drop off

I watched it turn by turn and the first turn was the pickup, the next turn he only moved halfway between the intended cities and finished the movement the following turn. I know it's been brought up in the game chat but I'd rather have it here on the Forums as well. Thank you!

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Posts: 276

Posts: 276
I've noticed some inconsistencies as well. I've noticed a unit not move it's full allowance the first turn after getting a movement order. I've also noticed a unit arrive in a city and complete a transfer order in the same turn it finished moving.
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Doctor Dread
Doctor Dread
Posts: 1478

Doctor Dread
Doctor Dread
Posts: 1478
Movement only travels in straight lines, the 8 directions, so most likely your unit has to stop and "turn" along the way. Thats why it takes longer. If you travel between two cities that are directly striahgt or diagonal from eachother and 5 spaces away. You 10 movement unit will get there in a turn. but if they are offset slightly to where the unit will have to travel 2 spaces to get onto the same X or Y coordinate as the city then you can have a movement of 100 and its still going to take you two turns
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